September 2016 archive

Evicted Response

In Matthew Desmond’s Evicted, he reveals what the lives of tenants and residents in extremely poor areas are like. He does this through ethnographic research when he dives into the culture of Milwaukee trailer parks and rooming houses and experiences first-hand what it is like for those that live in this society. Although he chose …

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Response to “Evicted”

“Evicted”, written by Matthew Desmond, tells true stories about the lives of families who face eviction every day and the hardship that they go through to try and bring their family back together. Desmond himself went through a similar ordeal to a certain extent when he was younger. He shares a story about money being …

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Critical Reading Review – “Evicted”

  “Evicted” By Matthew Desmond shows the real life story of many people that live in America today. The story of the struggles of poverty especially when it comes to keeping a place to call home. Told from a personal point of view, Desmond immersed himself in the lives of the people with these everyday …

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Kirkus Evicted Book Review

The main theme of this review was centered around finances with statistics to help promote the seriousness to the reader. The review links how the monetary effects of housing have a direct correlation to poverty. One of the main points addressed in this review was that Matthew Desmond had such a strong emphasis on the vouchers …

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Washington Post: Review “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City”

Thank you, Matthew Desmond. Thank you for writing about destitution in America with astonishing specificity yet without voyeurism or judgment. Thank you for showing it is possible to compose spare, beautiful prose about a complicated policy problem. Thank you for giving flesh and life to our squabbles over inequality, so easily consigned to quintiles and …

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New York Time Book Review – In ‘Evicted,’ Home Is an Elusive Goal for America’s Poor:

In the New York Times Book Review: In ‘Evicted,’ Home Is an Elusive Goal for America’s Poor, Jennifer Senior points out that the emphasis on this book unlike “Most examinations of the poorest poor” takes a look at poverty not from a public housing perspective, but from the private rental market. She notes that “Sixty-seven …

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The Washington Post – Review of Evicted by Matthew Desmond

This review of “Evicted” is written by Carlos Lozada and he talks about why he is glad that Matthew Desmond wrote this book about eviction in America since it brought life back to the problems of poverty. He explains that when families lose their homes this puts a lot of stress on them which causes …

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And so it continues…

Here is another great article exploring the topic of scholarship in social media…or is it scholarship?  The author writes of his own scholarship and use of blogs and Twitter, being cited, and struggles within the academic scope of these forums being valued.

The New York Times: Matthew Desmond’s Evicted

In the New York Times book review of Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Barbara Ehrenreich notes that Desmond “has set a new standard for reporting on poverty”.  Ehrenreich revisits some of the compelling stories from each of Desmond’s “informants” and captures a number of the disturbing themes observed by Desmond. …

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Evicted by Matthew Desmond – The Guardian Book Review The Guardian, a UK publishing, reviewed Evicted by Matthew Desmond in April 2016. The review mentioned their take on what the 3 main points of the book would be: Rent is the #1 thing holding the poverty stricken in the book back from regaining some sort of foothold in society Why are the majority …

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