New York Time Book Review – In ‘Evicted,’ Home Is an Elusive Goal for America’s Poor:

In the New York Times Book Review: In ‘Evicted,’ Home Is an Elusive Goal for America’s Poor, Jennifer Senior points out that the emphasis on this book unlike “Most examinations of the poorest poor” takes a look at poverty not from a public housing perspective, but from the private rental market. She notes that “Sixty-seven …

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The Washington Post – Review of Evicted by Matthew Desmond

This review of “Evicted” is written by Carlos Lozada and he talks about why he is glad that Matthew Desmond wrote this book about eviction in America since it brought life back to the problems of poverty. He explains that when families lose their homes this puts a lot of stress on them which causes …

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And so it continues…

Here is another great article exploring the topic of scholarship in social media…or is it scholarship?  The author writes of his own scholarship and use of blogs and Twitter, being cited, and struggles within the academic scope of these forums being valued.

The New York Times: Matthew Desmond’s Evicted

In the New York Times book review of Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Barbara Ehrenreich notes that Desmond “has set a new standard for reporting on poverty”.  Ehrenreich revisits some of the compelling stories from each of Desmond’s “informants” and captures a number of the disturbing themes observed by Desmond. …

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Evicted by Matthew Desmond – The Guardian Book Review The Guardian, a UK publishing, reviewed Evicted by Matthew Desmond in April 2016. The review mentioned their take on what the 3 main points of the book would be: Rent is the #1 thing holding the poverty stricken in the book back from regaining some sort of foothold in society Why are the majority …

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Kicked Out in America!-Jason DeParle ( A response to Evicted)

I found this article to be both well written and researched. DeParle does a wonderful job highlighting the books main focus: that evictions are almost always a result of an imbalanced debt to income ratio and that simply being poor isn’t always the root cause for eviction, in most cases, eviction often precipitates poverty. He …

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Twitter and Tenure

Following on our class discussions on Social Media and Twitter as forums for scholarship and the question of “appropriate” spaces comes into play – here is a post from today’s InsideHigherEd as an Association publishes a committee report on Social Media and its impact on Tenure decisions, “Twitter Your Way to Tenure.”

Inventing the University


Review of Evicted by Matthew Desmond

Below is a link to the review I chose on Evicted. I thought the article brought out some interesting questions about the poverty cycle. The review also brings up an interesting point regarding females vs. males.