Kicked Out in America!-Jason DeParle ( A response to Evicted)

I found this article to be both well written and researched. DeParle does a wonderful job highlighting the books main focus: that evictions are almost always a result of an imbalanced debt to income ratio and that simply being poor isn’t always the root cause for eviction, in most cases, eviction often precipitates poverty. He mentions these two main points in his review: “One is that growing numbers of low-income households pay crushing shares of their incomes for shelter—50 percent, 60 percent, 70 percent, and more—leaving inadequate sums for items as basic as medicine and food. Their numbers were rising for decades but soared to record levels during the Great Recession. The book’s second point is that the evictions aren’t just a consequence of poverty but also a cause. Evictions make kids change schools and cost adults their jobs. They undermine neighborhoods, force desperate families into worse housing, and leave lasting emotional scars. Yet they have been an afterthought, if that, in discussions of poverty.” ( Kicked Out in America-