Tag: AAR#1

Inventing the University

Inventing the University

When it comes to inventing the university from 30 years ago in Bartholomae’s 1986 article “Inventing the University” we all should expect universities to make some changes in ways how professors structured and taught their classes, how students would change the way they learn by receiving and using different reading and writing materials in different …

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Inventing the University

In Response to “Inventing the University.” In my opinion, David Bartholomae’s argument that new students do not always possess the skills necessary to write correctly according to the standards of university academic writing and that placing more emphasis on the content is still valid. However, some things have changed in 30 years that may modify …

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The University Today

  In David Bartholomae’s 1986 article, “Inventing the University”, Bartholomae serves as an advocate for students, encouraging that value be placed on the exploration of their ideas through their writing, and suggesting that literary grace be offered to students as they come into their disciplines and learn how to effectively write in an academic setting. …

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Inventing the University

My first impression of “Inventing the University” by David Bartholomae was confusion. Admittedly, I had to reread the essay two to three times to grasp it’s meaning, which I believe to be: write with confidence. Obviously Bartholomae delves into detail about writing authoritatively and as if you are from a position of privilege, “position of …

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Andre Cutrim AAR#1

Andre Cutrim What is a Scholar AAR 1 Blog Post David Bartholomae is an American Scholar in composition studies. He  is currently an english professor at the University of Pittsburg. Bartholomae received his PHD from Rutgers University. He is an award winning an author who has written various published books and essays. One of his …

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Inventing the University

“Five paragraph essays only!” My teachers had ingrained this into my mind since I was in the seventh grade. It was expected and anything else would be inadequate. This type of rigidness disallowed any type of creativity. You were to follow the rules and that was that. In “Inventing the University,” by David Bartholomae, he …

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AAR #1-2

It is a psychological theory that people look at things differently due to different factors like culture and context. For example, an image of a woman with a structure of a rectangular shape, with depth, above her head was shown to different groups of people in a study, and most of the East Africans responded …

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Inventing the University

David Bartholome, Associate Professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, wrote an essay that addresses the difficult task that is prevalent amongst many first year students: writing or more specifically “inventing the university.” The common obstacle many students face is conveying their ideas in language of the subject that demonstrates ability in scholarly writing. …

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Bartholomae “Inventing the University” Response

Natalie DiPasquale “Inventing the University” Essay In David Bartholomae’s article “Inventing the University”, he outlines the difficulties incoming college students face when transitioning from high school writing into undergraduate level material. What is interesting is that, although his points are still relevant and very applicable today, a lot about what is expected and what students …

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