Some good web sites

Ned Wright’s Cosmology Tutorial: A great resource for all sorts of cosmology news and information.

Frequently Asked Questions about Black Holes (shameless self-promotion!)

John Baez’s web site, which is full of information about a lot of different topics in mathematical physics. The parts I’m most interested in are the ones about general relativity and gravity (and not just because I co-wrote some of it.)

For technical articles about astrophysics and cosmology, the place to go is the astro-ph arXiv.

For great astronomy pictures, you can’t beat NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Update: These are now listed on the blogroll (over on the right), which is where they belong.


This blog is for discussion of my scientific interests, which mostly focus on big-bang cosmology and general relativity. I’ll let you know what my research students and I are up to and comment from time to time on news in astronomy and cosmology. If you have anything you want to say, leave a comment on the blog or send me e-mail.