Category Archives: Maps of the Week

Map of the Week Was Maurice Gomberg an insightful political cartographer or was he just crazy? America in 1941 was filled with uncertainties. With an ongoing world war, the American public was wondering what the future might bring. Maurice Gomberg took the unpredictability … Continue reading

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The Colonial Problem -1947

The Colonial Problem is a relative one. One would assume that the “colonial problem” this map references is in relation to the clearly defined European colonization of the Global South. As is shown through the map, large swaths of Africa … Continue reading

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Tracking COVID-19 Cases in the US (Interactive Map)

Be aware of COVID-19, but also the maps too… Our understanding of and behavioral response to COVID-19 has been undeniably well understood when placed into the context of maps. Their visualizations help everyday people and scientists track its dangerous spread. … Continue reading

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Humoristische Karte von Europa im Jahre 1914

At first glance, the Humoristische Karte von Europa im Jahre 1914 is a rough portrayal of the European continent. Upon second look, the country boundaries morph to vaguely resemble human and animal representations. After several more scans over the map … Continue reading

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Africa is Bigger Than We Realize

Africa is much bigger than we think, hence the title. The map was created by designer Kai Krause. To start off you must know that most maps we see are based on the “Mercator Projection” that came up in 1569. … Continue reading

Posted in Maps of the Week | 6 Comments

The Price of a Beer Around the World

With this map made as up to date as February 2021, there’s not much that would have changed from then to now. This map consists of the average price of a beer in each country. All of the prices are … Continue reading

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Mercator Map of the World United

  Do you know what the longest airline flight in the world is? Well, in 1944, it was roughly 40 hours. This fact runs across the middle of my Map of the Week. I chose a map called Mercator Map … Continue reading

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Satirical Crimean War Map

In 1854, Thomas Onwhyn brilliantly brought the caricatures of European nations to life on the Comic Map of the Seat of War with Entirely New Features. On his map Onwhyn, takes a look at the tumultuous political environment of Europe … Continue reading

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Die Haupt Reichstagswahlen 1871, 1881, 1890, 1903, 1912

  Forged in 1871 under the Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, the German Empire established a federal legislative body. The “Main Reichstag Elections” maps depict the votes of those German constituencies and the number of deputies. It was published in … Continue reading

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Bad Dieting Kills Millions of Us, but not Equally

This map displays the impact of bad dieting on the world. It shows the number of deaths per 100,000 in every country. When looking at this map it is shocking to see the impact bad diets have on the world. … Continue reading

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