Kylee Shreve

Author's posts

Beyond Surface-level Pedagogy

This article is worth the read.  It is a fresh take on teachers staying up to date on how to use technology in the classroom.  The author references a story that really brings attention to the fact that often times teachers think they are truly embracing digital scholarship, when really they are already behind the …

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Confessions of a Self-Taught College Instructor: Embracing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

This is an interesting piece calling for professors and teachers to approach their work as a form of scholarship in itself. The article provides an neat perspective on teaching and learning as “an act of intellectual invention”.

TED Talk: Depression, the Secret We Share

In this TED talk, Andrew Solomon concisely and effectively offers insight to many unspoken and misunderstood facets of depression from what it feels like, what it is, to alternative solutions and socionomic prevalence and implications.  He opens up about his own experience with depression and how he was able to overcome it.  Solomon uses experiences …

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TED Talk: Being Just Crazy Enough

In this TED Talk, comedian Joshua Walters, offers a different perspective on being bipolar and having manic episodes.  He offers the idea that one can choose to deny the illness and go through life over medicated, or one can use the illness and the manic episodes as a tool.  He spends most of the clip …

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And so it continues…

Here is another great article exploring the topic of scholarship in social media…or is it scholarship?  The author writes of his own scholarship and use of blogs and Twitter, being cited, and struggles within the academic scope of these forums being valued.

The New York Times: Matthew Desmond’s Evicted

In the New York Times book review of Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Barbara Ehrenreich notes that Desmond “has set a new standard for reporting on poverty”.  Ehrenreich revisits some of the compelling stories from each of Desmond’s “informants” and captures a number of the disturbing themes observed by Desmond. …

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Find your voice!

This week I read an article that I absolutely loved, “Giving Voice to Written Words”.  The article is a wonderful read coming off of our discussions of “Inventing the University”, academic writing, and our podcast assignment.  This piece, while short, is beautifully written and makes strong points for the power of our voice in our …

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The University Today

  In David Bartholomae’s 1986 article, “Inventing the University”, Bartholomae serves as an advocate for students, encouraging that value be placed on the exploration of their ideas through their writing, and suggesting that literary grace be offered to students as they come into their disciplines and learn how to effectively write in an academic setting. …

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What does “Pedagogy” even mean?

In an effort to find a unique blog that would be less likely for multiple students to follow, I went to trusted Google and searched for the top higher ed blogs. EdTech posted a great list of the “50 Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs” of the year. After quite a bit of skimming to find …

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