Coral Reefs in Decline

Coral reefs are of the utmost ecological importance in that they are estimated to harbor 25-45% of Earth’s marine species yet they only occupy .1-.2% of the oceans. They are of additional relevance due to the fact that they have a global economic value of $375 billion dollars annually, predominantly derived from the fisheries and ecotourism industries.

The success of coral reefs is highly dependent on the symbiotic bacteria they harbor known as zooxanthellae. These bacteria are vital to the survival of coral because they release up to 90% of the material they fix through photosynthesis to their coral hosts.  They play an integral role in coral calcification (growth) because they fix CO2, raise the dissolved oxygen level, and provide components of the coral’s organic matrix.

Over the past several decades, coral reefs have been in a state of decline due to increased sea surface temperatures related to global climate warming and El Niño events.  When coral reefs are exposed to these increased temperatures, they expel their zooxanthellae which they rely so heavily upon for their growth in an effect known as coral bleaching.  In 1998, following one of the most dramatic coral bleaching events on record, certain locations on the Great Barrier Reef exhibited estimated mortality rates of 80-90% of corals. In addition to rising sea surface temperatures, invasive human activity such as agricultural and sewage runoff leading to eutrophication, sedimentation from deforestation, and harmful fishing practices have also increased coral mortality rates.

This article provides a great overview as to the biological and human factors which come into play in the decline of coral reefs while simultaneously outlining the economic and ecological importance of coral reef ecosystems.

Plants That Don’t Need a Green Thumb

What would you do if your annual plant just went ahead and planted itself for the next season? This new flowering plant species found in Brazil does just that. Once it fruits, it leans over slowly and deposits its seed on or even sometimes in the ground, effectively planting itself. It was found on the property of an amateur botanist, Alex Popovkin, by a handyman working there. The flower is small and pink and white. This new find is one more piece of evidence that we still have so much to discover in the realm of flora and fauna. What’s next: crop fields that plow themselves?

WATERLIFE: Promoting Awareness of the Great Lakes

WATERLIFE is a highly interactive website that focuses on a documentary that tells the “story of the last great supply of fresh drinking water on Earth,” which happens to be the Great Lakes.  Upon entering the site, you can choose from a number of images that transport the viewer to subjects related to the Great Lakes, such as invasive species, bottled water, power, recreation and healing.  It is possible to click on any of the subject, which then takes the viewer to a page that explains that subject more in depth and involves imagery from the film.  WATERLIFE essentially is promoting the conservation of the Great Lakes due to its importance locally, regionally, and internationally.  It relays facts like only half of the Great Lakes wetlands remain intact.  Also, 100 billion gallons of water evaporate from the lakes each day.  The Great Lakes have been greatly impacted by invasive species, which harms not only the ecosystems but also the local economies.  These species include Asian Carp, Zebra Mussels, and the Lamprey.  A great aspect of the website is that although it speaks of many issues and negative impacts associated with the Great Lakes, it also focuses on positive action that can be taken.  Education is a major component of this positive action.  WATERLIFE is a part of that education tool, as it uses storytelling and beautiful imagery in order to promote awareness and the conservation of the vast supply of fresh drinking water in North America.

National Parks Infinite Photo

Follow this link to see some of the most stunning images of national parks. Keep zooming in to see amazing geographic features, bizarre animals, and fascinating rock formations. The fun goes on for hundreds of pictures. The pictures were submitted by normal people who shared their photography with national geographic. I have literally been playing with this for the last two hours.

Just an example of one of the amazing images from this website.

NatGeo and National Parks!


This is an image of Yosemite Creek in Yosemite National Park, USA.

You may associate National Geographic Magazine with long waits at the dentist's office or elementary school required reading, but everyone's second favorite dentist read (second only to "Highlights Magazine" of course), has undergone a high-tech turn for the better.  The National Geographic Society still prints the original magazine that many of us are familiar with today, but since our days as elementary school students the Society has expanded its offerings to include a television channel (Nat Geo TV), website, and several other magazines focused on travel, children, and young children.  On, there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of tabs and links with everything from maps to trip ideas to current events.  With webpages, photographs and video links on photography, animals, the environment, space, science, travel, adventures, and Current Events, and with astounding images that capture life in some of the Earth's most exotic locales, there are countless topics to explore and places to learn about. 

In honor of "Park Week," which was this past week, and our class's focus on the National Park System, I've highlighted a subset of the National Geographic website that focuses exclusively on National Parks!   This page has park guides, amazing photographs, a history of the national park system, and even an interactive tool that allows you to test your knowledge of specific parks by taking one of National Geographic's national parks quizzes!  Take this one on Glacier National Park (I'm a bit biased).  What have you learned about this or any national park that was presented in class that you didn't know before?

Google Earth Engine: A GIS tool for tropical forestry at a local scale!

Check this out! Google Labs is working on a new application -different from Google Earth- that will make GIS more accessible on a local scale. Watch the first video “What is Google Earth Engine?” If nothing else it will demonstrate the importance of GIS within environmental initiatives.

What they’re developing is an online cloud computing platform environmental monitoring program with landsat imagery of tropical areas updated daily, giving countries access to the most current data about their forests. They do offer a few maps and data sets to look at, but the program is definitely still in the works! The expectation is that local places will be able to accurately observe and report on the changing state of their land. They hope that over time this program will help reduce tropical deforestation, empower developing nations, and contribute to a better public understanding of the planet resources! There’s a second video on the site listed above that explains the Surui tribe’s Carbon Project in the Amazon!

What is Google Earth Engine?

Redwoods: A History

Ever wonder all of  the history and important dates and events the giant redwoods have been alive to witness, well on the National Geographic Interactive website you can do just that.   This website created a time line of one redwood tree using its tree rings and shows the huge length of time these trees have been alive, the tree they focus on has been alive  since around 1180!    These trees have been alive throughout major points in history like the Magna Carta being signed in 1215, Christopher Columbus’ journey to the Caribbean in 1492, the American revolution of the 1770’s, the founding of the national parks in 1872, and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina in 2005.    This website also maps these huge giants along California’s coast and shows  two National Geographic employees journey through the forests, which lasted a year.    The final part of the website, and one of the most interesting pats, is the the focus on the canopy ecosystem of these giants, which is rarely accessed and studied.    Hundreds of feet up in the air on the branches of the giant redwoods, thrives an usually unseen ecosystem, full of plants and animals, including berry bushes and ferns as well as the Marbled Murrelet an endangered bird, salamanders, and chipmunks.   Over the years soil has formed on these huge redwood branches, and in some cases this soil is up to three feet deep, which allows for the thriving ecosystem up in the trees.   This National Geographic Interactive web site is a great tool to learn about the giant redwood forests, see all of the history these trees have witnessed, and get a glimpse at an ecosystem that few see and study.

Future farm: a sunless, rainless room indoors

As we are moving into the topic of biosphere, we have been discussing factors that influence the growth of trees: temperature, rain, soil, sunlight, etc. We see a clear connection between physical geography and biomes i.e. how one affects the other. In addition, most of our NPS presentations touched on the effects of physical changes – atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere – on a local species.

It is, however, very interesting to read about the indoor farming. This idea has been created and experimented by a Dutch bioengineer, Gertjan Meeuws, in Den Bosche, the Netherlands. What he is doing does not support what we learn from class, but is very thought-provoking: what kind of conditions can we control to be able to grow plants indoor?

Certainly, this method requires good combinations of light, soil, humidity, and temperature. This is different from the greenhouse conditions because natural sunlight is excluded. However, Meeuws claimed that the growth rate from this method is three times faster than under greenhouse conditions. This method requires LED bulbs which can be expensive, but the cost is getting lower nowadays. Moreover, the indoor farming does not need pesticides, and requires about 90 percent less water than outdoor agriculture.

Other benefits from this way of farming is that it may be one of the answers to the world’s food problems. Food prices are unstable because the climate conditions are uncontrollable i.e. floods, droughts, etc. Not only do we face the price problems, but the limited resources are also challenged by the growth of population. The United Nations predicts that, by mid-century, the world population will increase from 6.8 billion to 9 billion. To feed so many people we expand farmlands at the expense of forests and the wilderness, we also increase crop yields in artificial and radical ways. But, indoor farming is a great alternative to respond to more food demand. It is even possible where farmland is scarce like in a city. Since half the people on Earth lives in cities, it would be a good idea to grow some plants in cities to reduce the transportation cost, especially when the oil price is rising steadily.


Of Wildebeests and Highways

This semester we’ve come in contact a few times with wildlife corridors, including one of our guest lectures and the Y2Y corridor. We talked about the importance of them and the importance of conserving areas for wildlife in a rapidly changing landscape. This website, Serengeti Watch, provides insight to a threatened wildlife corridor that could have a huge impact on the livelihoods of many and the success of Tanzania as a country. The government of Tanzania is acting on a highway plan that will cut straight through Serengeti National Park, one of the largest wildlife corridors in the world and a home to the largest migration route for countless species including the wildebeest and zebra. As we know, the disruption of habitats through land use change can lead to extinction, island bio-geography, and edge effects among many other detrimental issues. This website provides a way to learn about the vast impacts of the highway and advocates for the “alternate route” to the south. While President  Kikwete argues that the highway will provide economic success on a local and national level by connecting rural villages and allowing for more goods and services to pass through the area, the Serengeti draws in millions of tourists which greatly add to the national income. This website provides many news articles both for and against the highway and provides links for users to take action. It keeps up to date news stories and developments on the issues and is a great educational resource for the highway debate. It looks at the challenges and impacts of the near future as well as the far off future, as well as addressing the impacts through many scopes. The loss of this corridor could mean the deaths of several thousand wildebeest alone. Save the Serengeti provides a current example of the threats to wildlife and wildlife corridors because of human impacts. Its definitely an interesting topic and debate as to whether the needs of humans and wildlife can/must be compromised, definitely an interesting topic!

Gulf Life – Interactive Graphic

The National Geographic website has a new interactive feature on life in the Gulf after the oil spill.  The graphic first allows users to select a layer of life that includes: the coastal ecosystems, bright surface, twilight zone, and dark and teeming.  Once a user selects the layer they prefer, the site opens up a new picture depicting the different forms of life found in this layer.  The user can then select the different plants and animals that live in the chosen layer, causing a description to pop up about its impact on the region and general information on the species. The site allows the user to learn about the different plants and animals that live in the gulf–many of which the average person is not familiar with.

The neat aspect of this interactive map is that it not only gives the user an in depth look at each layer of life, but it also shows how different specifies continue to be affected by the oil spill.  The site states that the golf oil spill has, “tested nature's resilience at every layer.”

While the disaster occurred many months ago, the impact on the biodiversity of the region continues to be seriously harmed.  It was the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry and plants and life forms are still recovering even almost a year later.  Many people in the region rely on the productive biodiversity for economic reasons, as thousands of fisheries going out of business.  The Gulf Oil spill was something we should never forget, and this interactive map reminds us of how diverse the region is, hopefully leading us to find other places for deep water drilling.

Enjoy the link below to explore life in the Gulf!

Gulf life Interactive Graphic