Tag: TED Talks

TED Talks Supplemental Article-Got 18 Minutes?

This article suggests the benefits to students to learn through video presentation outside the classroom and work on homework ( with teacher assistance) inside the classroom. TED is viewed as a very effective means of non-traditional education in the classroom. So sorry I am unable to get the link to properly work, here is the …

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TED Talk: Depression, the Secret We Share

In this TED talk, Andrew Solomon concisely and effectively offers insight to many unspoken and misunderstood facets of depression from what it feels like, what it is, to alternative solutions and socionomic prevalence and implications.  He opens up about his own experience with depression and how he was able to overcome it.  Solomon uses experiences …

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TED Talk: Being Just Crazy Enough

In this TED Talk, comedian Joshua Walters, offers a different perspective on being bipolar and having manic episodes.  He offers the idea that one can choose to deny the illness and go through life over medicated, or one can use the illness and the manic episodes as a tool.  He spends most of the clip …

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