Category Archives: Atlases of the Week

Atlas of the Week: Historical Atlas of the American South

Atlas: The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American South written by Andrew Frank is a relevant atlas to look at, as it is connected to my “Map of the Week”. The atlas full of beautiful maps and drawings of the … Continue reading

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Where the Wall Will Be: An Atlas of the Mexican – United States Border   This link leads to an atlas detailing the traffic and activity across the Mexican – US border in 2010. This seemed quite relevant with the immigration uproar the past year or so. This atlas marks where crossings occur, … Continue reading

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Atlas of the U.S. Presidential Election Results To go along with my Map of the Week “Clinton’s America,” here is a highly detailed atlas of each election result dating all the way back to 1789. Not only will this provide percentages and vote counts to further … Continue reading

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Strange Maps and Strange Cities

With the stress of midterms and projects looming over the student body this past week, I felt it was best to take a break from studying and go looking for something fun in preparation for a much needed week without … Continue reading

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Traveling Through Time: an Atlas of London may seem like an unprofessional source for getting accurate maps of anything with any credibility. However, the services offered in this Atlas for city maps, of not only London (as linked above), is absolutely astounding. This online Atlas … Continue reading

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USSR Energy Atlas and Some Interesting Facts about Soviet Mapping The first link at the top of the post regards the actual Atlas itself, which is something I stumbled upon that is also part of the CIA database regarding the USSR’s Energy Sources. It’s worth taking a … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: Food Environment Atlas

Atlas of the Week: The Food Environment Atlas is produced by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service. The purpose of this atlas is to evaluate determinants of food choices and diet quality as well as examine communities’ … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: Atlas of the city of New York, Borough of Manhattan

This atlas contains maps representing the borough of Manhattan. This series of maps is interesting because of the time in which they were produced, in 1920s. During the 1920s, many African-Americans were migrating from the South to Northern cities like … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: World War II European Theater This atlas gives a wide range of maps pertaining to World War II.  There are maps ranging from battle grounds and plans of offensive attacks to maps showing winter camp grounds and futures campaigns for the armies.  The atlas … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: The American Civil War

This atlas was compiled by the Department of History at The United States Military Academy, and it consist of a collection of Civil War battlefield maps ranging from 1861-1865. Consequently, this atlas shows us how maps have  a practical purpose … Continue reading

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