Use your knowledge of the lithosphere, pedosphere, and biosphere to guess where in the world these google map locations are!
Think you’re a geography expert? Test your knowledge with BBC Travel’s Geoguessr – the game that proves how well you know the world! As we explore the Lithosphere and Pedosphere and Biosphere check your skills against your knowledge. First, move around using your mouse and figure out where you are. Do you see some rich, red soil? What about volcanoes, palm trees, deserts, or oceans? Using your physical geography knowledge, try and guess where in the world you are located.Then click on the map in the lower right hand corner to place your marker (zoom in to increase your accuracy). When you’re sure, click the “make a guess” button, and find out how close you were!
Unfortunately, because the site relies upon google maps, all locations will be along roadways limiting the world to just the 5 million miles of roads with street view images in over 39 countries. Once you’ve mastered the basics, challenge my most recent score by clicking on this link. The world’s a huge place – get exploring and post your highest scores in the comments below!
This game was really fun and I could probably waste a lot of time virtually traveling the world here! This game gave me a new perspective on landscapes around the world. A lot of the landscapes I saw here reminded me of familiar landscapes, especially with signs in English. However, many of the landscapes I at first perceived to be close to home, were actually on the other side of the world. Looking just at roadways and the areas around them, I agree with Kelly, is hard. As every country has well paved and poorly paved roads, and road signs that look similar, this landscape is difficult to place. However, I had fun trying and it made me want to go visit these places! Thanks for sharing!
This game was a lot harder than I thought. As stated above, there were a lot that I was positive would be in the United States, but ended up actually being thousands of miles away. I think it really showed that a lot of the world is more developed than we often think, and shows an even stronger need to act now in terms of habitat destruction, resource exploitation, and climate change. It was also pretty exciting to be able to get one or two locations pretty much correct just by seeing the type of volcano that was present there. It was a pretty cool indicator of how much we really have learned this year in class.
This game was really interesting seeing places with such similar characteristics existing in different parts of the world, whether they had similar latitudes, or regions including mountains or desert. I was also a bit disappointed that the images were all along roadsides, and I will echo some of Will’s comments about how this may have impacts on the habitats in which the roads are constructed, destroying the natural habitat by transforming part of it into roadway. I enjoyed viewing places with more natural environments with less human influence, as it always reminded me of the beauty in the world that we still have a chance at preserving, and being able to see these potential sites all over the world is inspiring to potential conservation efforts.
As someone who loves interactive games and geography, this website was very fun! This game was very entertaining and I learned a lot. It was really interesting deciding where each location was and I found myself playing for multiple rounds. I also love how you get to see pictures of all the places and learn more about the environment of each city around the globe. I would sometimes pick an area of the world thousands of miles from the actual location, which proves how much more I have to learn about different places around the world. I loved putting together little clues and making an educated guess. Awesome website!