Leader/Follower RelationshipsOrganizational CultureSolving Problems/Improving LeadershipTheories in Action

Week 6

The website continues to grow.  I’ve really had to trouble shoot some things.  The menu and banner were a night mare, the mobil version and contact forms continue to be a night mare.

I will continue to work on the website throughout the year, it is my baby and I refuse to let anyone else touch it until I’ve worked out the kinks.

I think Dr. Kaufman really checks all the boxes for Transformational Leadership, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation.

Idealized influence, his hands off approach is really ideal for the situation, but also he serves as a kind of guiding light to everyone around him.  He allows for flexibility, creativity, growth and gives trust as well as provides clear goals.  He inspires easily, through is actions alone, no words needed.  he knows everyone he works with, every student, every mentor and takes great care in helping them out.  The way the program that he built is structured to give each individual great consideration to what they need.  He knows details about everyone, their strengths and weakness which he appeals to in order to push them to greater heights.  He’s always willing to set time aside to talk or help those who ask for it.  He sets challenging and interesting goals for everyone, he allows students and interns and teachers to really apply themselves and to stretch their own capabilities.  He encourages growth creativity.

Best part is is that he doesn’t seem to be aware of his effect on others.  Every alumni I have run into have only had the greatest praise for him and he’s asked me to edit as much of it as I can out of the videos, which I have but it’s impossible to get all of it because it’s in nearly every scene.  He also tries to minimize his contributions in the website mentions.