ScienceDaily: Your resource for the latest research news

ScienceDaily is one of the most popular scientific websites. About 5,000,000 people visit this website monthly. One of the reasons that people prefer this website for their scientific research is that it is well organized and easy to search for topics that they want. The site has five big categories on the top: Health, Physical/Tech, Environment, Society/Education, and Quirky. There are more specified categories below these five categories like Space and Matters, Animals and Plants.

For example, if you are looking for a resource about Mars, you will go to Physical/Tech, Space and Matters, and click Mars. There is a research about Marsh might has a salty water. It provides summary of the news and information about the laboratory where the research was done. You will see the recent researches about Mars and the related stories additionally on the right side. In addition, “Related stories” section that recommends further research is shown based on your search topic. It helps you to gather more related information about the topic and to develop your study once you search, so that you do not have to search several times.

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The website is designed well for the young people who are interested in scientific issues. It has a Facebook page, Twitter, and Google+ so that you can get the latest news through them. And the website allows you to share the news on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ simply clicking “Share this”.

The website is useful for our course, Geography 250 because it has great amount of resources about physical geography including Atmospheric, Biospheric, Hydrospheric, and Lithospheric news. In Space & Time section, there are detailed resources about space that can be linked with what we learned in chapter 3, the atmospheric composition. The earthquake news of the website announces a recent issue about the earthquake like Japan Quake and Tsunami Spurred Global Warming which can be associated with Chapter 12.

3 thoughts on “ScienceDaily: Your resource for the latest research news

  1. This is an excellent website review, well done! I was unaware of this website (ScienceDaily) until I read this blog post. As someone who is not a science person and who barely keeps up with the news (but who wants to know about events and new stories and discoveries!), the knowledge of this geography-related website is helpful – I may find myself going to this site now to learn about science-related news. Thanks for informing us of this site!

  2. I really love science daily! It is an easy and convenient place to learn about current scientific discoveries. When I need to learn about new research, I always come here first to start. I love how each article explains a complicated journal article and research in an “easy to read” way. It also provides a link to the journal article. Your review was very thorough and provides a good background on the website. Thank you for informing everyone else!

  3. This is a great site in terms of all the information it contains. It seems to have a lot of great resources. Information is fairly easy to find, but I do feel that with the traffic this site receives, it could be even better designed and organize to be more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing!

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