Honor Code

Honor and integrity in your work are mandatory. Engaging in any of the following activities is an honor code violation: (1) submitting written work that is not your own, even when data collection is shared; (2) consulting lab reports that other students have prepared, either for this class or for prior semesters of organic lab; (3) removing glassware, samples, or laboratory information from another student’s laboratory station; (4) sharing of any documents (ChemDraw, Excel, Word Docs etc.) that other students have prepared for this class, prior semesters of organic lab, or courses at other institutions.

While consulting other lab reports is an honor code violation, you are encouraged to collaborate with your labmates on data collection and to engage in active discussions of laboratory results! You may work together to understand material and interpret the data. Problems arise when collaboration crosses the line into copying and individuals turn in identical work. If you are working with someone to interpret laboratory data, the best way to avoid Honor Code violations is to separate when it is time to work on an individual assignment that you must turn in (e.g., a Project Report). If you cannot successfully complete the assignment by yourself, then you do not sufficiently understand the material and you should contact your instructor for help.