Yorktown by the Numbers

Name of Community: York County, VA
Established date: 1634
Land area:  105 mi²
Population: 68,280
Population over 65: 16.1%
Population per sq. mile: 620
Racial Makeup: 
White 75.5%
Black or African American 13.8%
American Indian and Alaska Native  0.6%
Asian 5.9%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.3%
Two or More Races 3.9%
Hispanic or Latino 6.6%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 70.5%
Persons per household: 2.69
Per Capita Income: $39,071
Bachelor Degree or above: 45.4%
Life expectancy: 78.3
Hospital Beds: 0 per 1,000 people
Number of Coronavirus cases: 44 (4/23/2020)
Number of COVID-19 deaths: 0 (4/23/2020)
Recommended local newspaper: Daily Press https://www.dailypress.com/cities/york-poquoson/