Baltimore by the Numbers

Baltimore Community Statistics
Name of Community: Baltimore City, MD
Established (date): 1729
Land area: 92.28 sq mi
Population: 602,495
Population over 65: 13.2%
Population per sq. mile: 6,550
Racial Makeup: 62.5% black, 27.5% white, 5.1% Hispanic, 2.6% Asian, 2.5% mixed
Persons per household: 2.48
Per Capita Income: $29,700
Bachelor Degree or above: 31.2%
Life expectancy: 73.6
Hospital Beds: 1.63 (unoccupied) and 6.48 (total) per 1,000 people 
Number of Coronavirus cases: 689 ((4/10/20)
Number of COVID-19 deaths: 17 (4/10/20)
Recommended local newspaper: Baltimore Sun