1. Created content for future posts on social media outlets
    1. Researched company events
    2. Researched job data
  2. Wrote articles to be published on website
  3. Researched current news relating to company goals that can be shared with followers
  4. Researched success stories of those who have taken advantage of our services to share with potential clients
  5. Explored other similar company sites and social media platforms to see what they have been posting and how they go about reaching their audiences
  6. Reviewed our past social media posts to see what people best responded to
  7. Promoted social media outlets

This week, I have learned the importance of hashtags, relatability, and consistency throughout marketing campaigns.  Hashtags are a valuable resource that connect certain information together in one location.   The use of hashtags will allow others to easily navigate from our presented information to other related info, while simultaneously offering information that can be found when looking up the hashtag.  This is a way of getting our posts to be viewed in higher quantities, as well as directing our audience to similar information shared by like companies.  Similarly, I found it beneficial to keep consistent hashtags so that people are well-aware of our contents implications and can use one click (the hashtag) to access like information. I also learned the importance of knowing and appealing to certain audiences, as relatable content is often more favorable by audiences.  For example, Instagram typically has a younger audience, so it is beneficial to choose content that would appeal more to that particular sector of career development seekers.  Lastly, I realized the importance of physical appeal, as observations of our most well-received posts revealed that certain images that were more appealing to the eye caught the attention of our audiences more consistently.  This will all be beneficial in creating content for future posts and widening, engaging, and maintaining our audiences.