Atlas of the Week: The Historical Atlas of the United States

The “Historical Atlas of the United States” written by Mark C. Carnes accompanied by the cartography of Malcolm A. Swanston provides audiences with a comprehensive view of the United States from 200 million years ago up until the recent attacks of September 11, 2001. The atlas not only highlights domestic activity, but also our expanding influence in other parts of world as the US gained more political, social and economic power on a global scale. For instance, one map titled “US Expansion” uses a projection centered on the United States with tentacle like arrows flowing out from our nation to almost all other parts of the world, showing our scope of involvement in foreign lands. The use of maps allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the development of the United States through the usage of both textual and visual representation.

Carnes, Mark C. Historical Atlas of the United States. (New York, New York : Routledge, 2002): 194, US Expansion.


By: Pat Giampietro

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