Blog of the Week

For Blog of the Week, I chose this blog to showcase the importance of climate change and how data from cartographic maps can display the importance and our much-needed action. This blog shows the aspects of the environment and provides several news links to current climate noteworthy events. One of my favorite things is that it also helps you create a map. If you want to an create an account and make a map, go for it, and have some fun. Finally, it shows a lot of the green projects that many individuals across the world have started.

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One Response to Blog of the Week

  1. Kala Saliu says:

    Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding the environmental stability of the Earth. Due to this new technological age, methods, information, and accountability of individuals has taken a forefront in this fight for a cleaner Earth. While currently the world is seeing such a large forward movement in terms of awareness, there is still so much education, action, and political reform that needs to take place. I appreciate Angel’s shoutout to this blog. While this blog seems to focus mostly around New York City,(and other metropolitan areas in the north) most of the plans can be simplified or scaled-down to fit any city. There is so much that we can do in our daily lives that could snowball into a major movement in reducing the human footprint. This specific blog especially stood out to me, as an avid astronomy admirer. I wrote my own atlas blog on the effects of light pollution. All types of pollution can be controlled with a promise of unwavering commitment of individuals to strive for a “greener” globe. Once again this blog is fascinating to read. 10/10!

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