Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes

Brought to you by the maker of Map of Stereotypes we give you Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes. This week’s Atlas of the Week is created by graphic artist Yanko Tsvetkov, which includes a collection of his famous provocative maps. His goal to satirize the tendencies of human nature leads to the analysis of socially accepted norms. Pieces of cartographic creations carrying a new side of the social debate. Some even say that this is a match made in social scientific heaven, others just appreciate its humor! Either way don’t miss out and check it out!

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One Response to Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes

  1. tl3hj says:

    I think this atlas is quite interesting and revealing since we do and cling to use stereotype like everyday. Sometimes it’s more of a symbolic impression instead of stereotype or label. Stereotypes in this atlas are actually the feature of a certain country or city, or some common senses. Maps are the best way to indicate those features locally, regionally and nationally. For local citizens, some features on the atlas might be something they are proud of and make them more united with strong identity. For outsiders, those features are regarded as a kind of representation.

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