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— Scott Allison and George Goethals
This Painting I started a month before Osama Bin Laden was killed by Navy Seals. I devoted it to our brave soldiers, US Troops abroad and here in US. When I started to paint it I didn’t know whats gonna happened.
The proof of it can be seen at the other Video here.
You can see this Painting behind me during the interview on Channel 3, which took place a month before Osama died. On the right side you can see the terrorist ( could be Bin Laden ) On the left side there is a Navy Seal Soldier ( Emblem on his shoulder ). Its like I kind of predicted the future in my Painting.
I hope this Painting will be accepted at the White House when its finished.
There’s no need to fabricate stories to prove that bin Laden was a craven, desperate coward. He hid himself away and brainwashed children into killing themselves to do his dirty work. There was no more despicable person on the planet. It’s good that he’s finally dead.
Nor is there any need to exaggerate the accomplishments of the SEALS. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world where their job is necessary, but we are fortunate to have people of this caliber to protect and defend us by going after those who hate civilization and want us dead.