All posts by Scott Allison

About Scott Allison

Scott Allison has authored numerous books, including 'Heroes' and 'Heroic Leadership'. He is Professor of Psychology at the University of Richmond where he has published extensively on heroism and leadership. His other books include Reel Heroes, Conceptions of Leadership, Frontiers in Spiritual Leadership, and the Handbook of Heroism. His work has appeared in USA Today, National Public Radio, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Slate Magazine, MSNBC, CBS, Psychology Today, and the Christian Science Monitor. He has received Richmond's Distinguished Educator Award and the Virginia Council of Higher Education's Outstanding Faculty Award.

The Hero’s Journey is Always About Returning Home

This post is based on the following chapter in the Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies:

  • Allison, S. T. (2023). Home and the Hero’s Journey.  In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

By Scott T. Allison

Joseph Campbell’s (1949) concept of the mythic hero’s journey starts and ends at home. In the beginning, home represents the safe, familiar, and ordinary world where the hero lives in apparent ease and comfort. Unaware of their need for growth, heroes embark on a challenging journey that pushes them to realize their full potential. This journey transforms the hero, who then returns home with a new perspective and offers a boon or gift that brings positive transformative change to their community.

There’s No Place Like Home

The hero’s journey consists of three key stages: Departure, Initiation, and Return. One of the most iconic films of the 20th century, The Wizard of Oz, tells the story of a young girl, Dorothy Gale, who is uprooted from her home and faces numerous challenges in her quest to return. In his analysis of the film, David Smith (2014) delves into the deeper meaning of its famous catchphrase, “There is no place like home.” While commonly understood to mean that home is the best place to be, the phrase can be interpreted more literally to suggest that “home” isn’t a physical location at all. If home is “no place,” then what is it?

Dorothy Gale comes to understand what home truly means, but only after embarking on an extraordinary adventure in a strange land. Or did she? As revealed at the end of the film, Dorothy never physically traveled anywhere. During a severe storm, she hit her head, lost consciousness, and hallucinated the entire journey through the land of Oz. Dorothy’s “journey home” was actually an interior journey, not a physical one.

Like many aspects of the hero’s journey, “home” can have both a literal meaning and various symbolic or metaphorical interpretations. Home can indeed be a physical place, and many hero stories involve traveling to unfamiliar and transformative locations. However, alongside this physical journey, there is always a corresponding psychological journey for the hero. Before leaving the land of Oz to return to Kansas, Dorothy is asked by the Scarecrow what she has learned. She responds, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”

Dorothy’s deepest wish was always to return home, and she discovers that home was within her all along. When she realizes that her heart’s desire is in her own backyard, Dorothy acknowledges that there is truly no “place” like home. She comes to understand that her home in Kansas was never the ultimate destination of her journey.

She learns that home has two key aspects: it is the deepest desire of your heart, and it is a quality that you always carry within yourself. In essence, home represents the ideal of being fully and completely “in place.” To be “in place” means becoming entirely who you are meant to be — your best self, your transformed self, your most heroic self.

What often prevents us from feeling completely “in place” is usually a major personal shortcoming that hinders our true potential or an unresolved past trauma that needs to be addressed and healed. Overcoming this inner issue requires embarking on a profound internal journey, much like the one Dorothy experienced. This is the ultimate goal of the hero’s journey, a journey that paradoxically leads us away from home so that we can truly find it.

Examples of Heroes Finding Home

We can also observe that most heroes in film and literature share Dorothy’s goal: to achieve their deepest desire. However, they may not initially realize that reaching this external goal requires an inward journey first. For instance, Luke Skywalker must find the Force within himself before he can defeat the Galactic Empire, just as Dorothy needs to embark on her internal journey before physically returning home. Similarly, in the animated musical Frozen, Elsa embarks on an external journey that ultimately leads her to understand the power of love and self-acceptance. Through this journey, she discovers the strength of her bond with her sister, Anna, and the true nature of her powers.

The movie Erin Brockovich depicts a woman’s external journey of collecting evidence against a powerful corporation. Through her persistence and dedication to justice, Erin uncovers her inner strength and a sense of purpose in advocating for the community’s rights. These films highlight strong and resilient heroes who confront challenges in the external world while discovering important truths about their deepest desires along the way.

Most of us rarely consider our life journeys as leading us back home, yet home is the ultimate destination for nearly all forms of life. A plant emerges from the ground and eventually returns to it. Every animal experiences complete union with its mother before being born or hatched, and once that connection is broken, we tend to long for it, need it, and seek to reestablish it before we can fully engage in our outward endeavors.

This desire for home could be considered our biological and psychological imperative, but perhaps the best way to describe it is as our heroic imperative. We all leave home and eventually return, sometimes in a literal sense but always internally—just like Dorothy Gale, Harry Potter, Snow White, Odysseus, and countless others, both in fiction and in real life. Returning home is always the goal in hero stories, and it is a common theme throughout the natural world as well. Think of bird migrations, salmon swimming upstream, or lost dogs traveling long distances to find home. Returning home is the ultimate goal of all life.

We Already Have What We Seek

Perhaps the most remarkable lesson about home that we can learn from the hero’s journey is that the qualities we most need and desire from home are always within us, even if we aren’t aware of them. Recall Dorothy’s realization that her heart’s desire was always in her backyard. Glinda the Good Witch tells Dorothy, “You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas.” When the Scarecrow asks why Glinda didn’t tell Dorothy this earlier, Glinda replies, “Because she wouldn’t have believed me. She had to learn it for herself.” This is the idea of heroic autonomy (Allison 2023).

Dorothy always had the power to return home, but she needed to realize it through her own experiences and self-discovery. This revelation emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and recognizing the potential within oneself. It underscores the transformative nature of her journey, where she not only found her way back home but also learned that she didn’t need to search outwardly to find it. The key to fulfilling her deepest desire was within her all along.

We are faced with the irony that heroes must embark on a challenging journey to obtain something they already possess. For countless millennia, spiritual teachers, from Rumi (2004) to Eckhart Tolle (2004), have been telling us that the secret to becoming our best, most heroic selves lies within us. Stories and fairy tales like The Ugly Duckling, Cinderella, and The Little Mermaid all convey the message that each of us holds the key to our own salvation. Glinda’s wisdom as a mentor was understanding that heroes must uncover this truth for themselves.

The Return stage symbolizes the hero’s reintegration into society after their transformative journey. In this phase, the hero brings back the knowledge, wisdom, or treasure they gained to benefit their community or the world. Here, “home” becomes a symbolic concept, representing the point of arrival where the hero returns to their ordinary world or community, which may have changed during their absence. The hero’s ultimate goal is not just to return to the physical place they left but to reintegrate and create positive change in their home or society.

Campbell emphasized that the hero’s return can be challenging, as they may face resistance or disbelief from those who did not experience the same transformative journey. The hero must reconcile their newfound knowledge and growth with the familiar environment and relationships they left behind. This phase often involves the hero sharing their wisdom, inspiring others, and using their experiences to bring positive change to their community. In Campbell’s hero’s journey, “home” represents more than just a physical location. It signifies the hero’s reconnection with their roots, community, and sense of belonging. It underscores the hero’s role as a catalyst for change and their responsibility to contribute to the well-being and growth of their society.

A common theme in all human lives and storytelling is the temporal pattern of order-disorder-reorder. Initially, home is a safe, familiar, and orderly place, but eventually, it no longer meets the hero’s needs. An event occurs that thrusts the hero into a chaotic, painful, and disordered experience, compelling them to undergo significant inner change and growth. The hero then arrives at a new “home,” representing a reordered reality that may resemble the old one but is fundamentally different in crucial ways. This order-disorder-reorder pattern has been expressed in various forms: construction-deconstruction-reconstruction, fall-winter-spring, Eden-Fall-Paradise, life-trauma-PTG, thesis-antithesis-synthesis, solution-dissolution-resolution, life-crucifixion-resurrection, caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly, and many others. It is the universal pattern of nature and the pervasive pattern of healthy human development (Rohr 2020).

Heroes often resist what is good for them, which is why many are forced to leave home against their will. People can be highly resistant to life-changing transformations for various reasons, with fear being the primary one. Change often brings uncertainty, and the unknown can be intimidating. People may feel comfortable with the familiar and resist change because they fear the potential negative outcomes or disruptions it might bring. The fear of the unknown can lead people to prefer staying in familiar territory rather than exploring unfamiliar possibilities. There is also a fear of failure—change involves taking risks and stepping into the unknown, which can trigger anxiety about failure. We may resist change because we worry about making mistakes, facing negative consequences, or not being able to handle the new situation. This fear of failure can cause us to avoid change and remain in our current circumstances rather than confront potential challenges or setbacks.


In the hero’s journey, “returning home” carries deep psychological significance as it symbolizes the completion of the transformative process and the incorporation of the hero’s newfound wisdom and growth into their daily life. The hero has come full circle, evolving from a naïve individual, lacking qualities necessary for becoming their true self, into a transformed hero who is self-confident, resourceful, courageous, resilient, and wise. The hero’s journey involves not only external adventures but also an inner journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

In the hero’s journey, “returning home” ultimately symbolizes more than just a physical return; it signifies an emotional and psychological homecoming. It reflects a deep transformation, reconciliation with the past, and the hero’s readiness to embrace their evolved self and life purpose. For the hero, and for all of us who dare to undertake the challenging hero’s journey, there truly is no place like home.


Allison, S. T. (2023). Heroic autonomy. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, & G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

Allison, S. T., Goethals, G. R., Marrinan, A. R., Parker, O. M., Spyrou, S. P., Stein, M. (2019). The metamorphosis of the hero: Principles, processes, and purpose. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 606.

Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. New York: New World Library.

Jung, C. G. (1968). Man and his symbols. Des Moines: Turtleback.

Rohr, R. (2020). The wisdom pattern. Cincinnati: Franciscan Media.

Rumi (2004). The essential Rumi. New York: Harper.

Smith, D. L. (2014). “There’s no place like home”: An American koan. Journal of Religion & Popular Culture, 26 (3), 287-292.

Tolle, E. (2004). The power of now. New York: New World Library.

Every Hero Has a Red Bike Moment

This post is based on the following chapter in the Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies:

  • Allison, S. T. (2023). Red Bike Moment. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

By Scott T. Allison

The Red Bike Moment is the most pivotal, life-changing event in a person’s life. The crucial event is usually a loss or failure that marks the beginning of the transition from an ordinary person into a hero.

The phrase “Red Bike Moment” comes from a life-changing incident in the life of Muhammad Ali, the iconic heavyweight boxing champion of the 1960s and 70s. When Ali, then known as Cassius Clay, was 12 years old, his red Schwinn bicycle was stolen. After reporting the theft to the police, young Cassius told Officer Joe Elsby Martin that he intended to find and confront the thief. Martin, who also ran a local gym, suggested that Cassius learn how to fight before seeking revenge. Following this advice, Cassius embarked on a journey that would not only make him a legendary boxer but also a global hero, philanthropist, and goodwill ambassador for millions.

Despite its name, the Red Bike Moment can unfold over days, weeks, or even months. Typically, this involves a crisis that leads to emotional turmoil such as sadness or anger. During this time, a mentor or helper appears at just the right moment, offering exactly the guidance the hero needs. A key aspect of this moment is the fortunate and timely arrival of this helper, coupled with the hero’s ability to recognize and seize this opportunity. Following the mentor’s advice, the hero takes decisive action, transitioning from a passive victim to an active participant in shaping their future heroic journey.

Four Components of the Red Bike Moment

There are four components of the Red Bike Moment: (1) a setback that occurs early in the hero’s life; (2) a deficiency in the hero that the hero appears powerless to resolve; (3) a mentor who arrives to help the hero; and (4) the strategic use of luck, an often overlooked factor contributing to the success of the hero on their journey.

  1. The Setback

All Red Bike Moments begin with a loss, failure, disaster, illness, or some other significant setback. For young Cassius Clay, it was the theft of his red Schwinn bicycle. Psychology research shows that people take actions to prevent future bad events by restoring order, control, and predictability in their environment (Taylor & Fiske 2017). Thus the Red Bike Moment represents a natural and healthy response to adversity.

There are many significant examples of Red Bike Moments in the lives of heroes. Oprah Winfrey endured years of abuse as a child and became pregnant at age 14. When her baby tragically died shortly after birth, Oprah was devastated. Her father, Vernon Winfrey, provided her with the crucial support she needed by telling her, “This is your second chance. This is your opportunity to seize this moment and make something of your life.” This encouragement motivated Oprah to transform her life. She became an honors student, joined her school’s speech team, entered (and won) a beauty pageant, and secured a job at a local radio station. This marked the beginning of Oprah’s heroic journey.

After rising to fame as a country rock star, Johnny Cash became addicted to alcohol and prescription drugs. His addictions led to numerous arrests for drunken and disorderly behavior, and he came close to death several times. Following yet another arrest in Georgia in October 1967, Sheriff Ralph Jones had a deep and meaningful conversation with Cash, highlighting how he was destroying his life and what he needed to do to get sober. Cash later credited Jones with helping him turn his life around (Hilburn 2014).

In fiction, many iconic heroic characters experience memorable Red Bike Moments. In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy survives a tornado and finds herself lost in a strange new world. She receives guidance from Glinda the Good Witch and shows determination in following Glinda’s advice. In It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey faces accusations of embezzlement and the threat of jail and disgrace. His guardian angel Clarence arrives at just the right moment, providing George with the insights he needs to avoid legal trouble and enjoy a happy, fulfilling life. Not all fictional Red Bike mentors are supernatural; in The Karate Kid, young Daniel LaRusso has a Red Bike Moment similar to that of young Cassius Clay. He must learn to defend himself, and he takes to heart the timeless wisdom imparted by his sensei, Mr. Miyagi.

  1. The Deficient Hero

The Red Bike Moment happens when the hero is missing a crucial inner quality necessary for their growth into their best self. At this point in their lives, heroes are often deficient because they are usually young and still in the early stages of their development. This deficiency could be moral, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical, or motivational (Allison, Goethals, and Kramer 2017). For instance, Cassius Clay lacked physical skills, Oprah Winfrey lacked motivation, and Johnny Cash had a spiritual deficit. Dorothy and George Bailey both lacked important understanding of what “home” truly means. Daniel LaRusso not only needed to develop physical skills but also required moral, motivational, and spiritual guidance.

  1. The Mentor

Mentors typically possess a special kind of authority, whether through their appearance or reputation, which gives them the credibility to be taken seriously by the hero during a time of need. Both Muhammad Ali and Johnny Cash required the guidance of police officers to embark on their heroic paths. Oprah’s father also had a significant level of authority. In fiction, a mentor’s authority often stems from their exotic or otherworldly nature. For example, Yoda in Star Wars, Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio, Glinda in The Wizard of Oz, and Clarence in It’s a Wonderful Life all have an air of the extraordinary. While Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid wasn’t a supernatural figure, the film used his Asian heritage to imbue him with a mysterious and authoritative presence within the story’s context.

  1. The Strategic Use of Luck

Scholars of heroism often tend to overlook or minimize the role that luck plays in a hero’s success on their journey. While it’s uncomfortable to think that heroism might depend on chance, and indeed it largely doesn’t, as heroes must make deliberate choices and take actions that drive their journeys forward, it’s also important not to ignore the influence of serendipity. Heroes often benefit from a fortuitous meeting with the right person, in the right place, and at the right time. Luck in a hero’s journey can often be categorized into these three elements: person, place, and time.

Consider what would have happened if young Cassius Clay had reported his stolen bike to a different officer instead of Joe Martin. Only Martin was in the unique position to direct Clay to the gym for boxing lessons. Similarly, Johnny Cash met the ideal law enforcement officer in Ralph Jones, and Daniel LaRusso found the perfect mentor in Mr. Miyagi. Location also plays a role in luck. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs may have transformed the computer industry, but imagine their chances of doing so if they had been born in Slovenia or Indonesia instead of the USA. Likewise, Martin Luther King Jr. might never have become a civil rights leader if he had not been born in the southeastern USA, where racial equality conflicts were reaching a boiling point.

Timing plays a critical role as well. In the film Cast Away, Tom Hanks’ character, Chuck Noland, is eventually rescued after being stranded on a South Pacific island for years. His luck came in the form of a random freight ship that spotted his rudderless, makeshift raft. Although it seemed like pure chance, Franco (2017) suggests that heroes often use luck strategically. In desperate situations, they make decisions that shift their chances of success from zero to just above zero. Noland’s stroke of luck came when a port-o-potty washed ashore, which he creatively used to build his raft. While luck was involved in the arrival of the debris and the ship’s sighting, Noland’s resourcefulness and actions played a significant role in creating that opportunity. This illustrates the wisdom in the saying that “luck is the residue of design.”

In his book Outliers, Malcom Gladwell (2008) presented evidence that some of the world’s greatest icons have relied on luck, probably unknowingly, to achieve their immense success. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were born in the mid-1950s, allowing them to reach young adulthood at exactly the time that the personal computer revolution was unfolding. Had they been ten years younger, or ten years older, the timing would likely have precluded their ability to exert a heroic impact on the world.

Franco (2017) references Ralph Waldo Emerson’s saying that “Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose” (Emerson, 1888). While heroes may experience luck, they often create their own opportunities. Chuck Noland took a risk with his makeshift raft. Oprah was driven by her father’s encouragement to focus on her education and career. In the film Casablanca, Victor Lazlo’s fortunate escape from Casablanca largely depended on the complicated relationship between his wife, Ilsa, and Rick Blaine. Lazlo could have ruined his chances by reacting with jealousy, but instead, he used emotional intelligence to let a series of favorable events unfold. This demonstrates that what seems like luck often involves the convergence of fortunate circumstances with some form of heroic intelligence or strategy. This blend of luck and strategy perfectly encapsulates young Cassius Clay’s Red Bike Moment.


The Red Bike Moment serves as a pivotal catalyst for a heroic transformation. It involves the convergence of various events in time and space that initiate the metamorphosis of an ordinary individual into a hero. There appear to be different forms of the Red Bike Moment, depending on the nature of the setback and the type of transformation it triggers. For instance, in 1980, Candice Lightner’s daughter was tragically killed by a drunk driver, prompting Lightner to establish Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Her response to this loss was undeniably heroic, though it seems qualitatively different from Cassius Clay’s reaction to the theft of his bike. Future research could explore the distinctions among different types of Red Bike Moments.

Not every person is guaranteed a Red Bike Moment, and countless individuals may never have the opportunity due to their circumstances. However, some very fortunate people might experience multiple Red Bike Moments. For instance, Johnny Cash had the advantage of his wife, June Carter, stepping in repeatedly to support him during his darkest, most addictive times. Oprah Winfrey acknowledges the many people who have helped her at various challenging stages in her life, as does environmental activist Greta Thunberg. The Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville offers its visitors a valuable experience by encouraging them to reflect on their past for Red Bike Moments, aiming to help them appreciate these moments and better navigate potential future transformative experiences.


 Allison, S. T., Goethals, G. R., & Kramer, R. M. (Eds.) (2017). Handbook of heroism and heroic leadership. New York: Routledge.

Campbell, J. (1949). The hero with a thousand faces. New York: New World Library.

Emerson, R. W. (1888). Select Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson (Vol. 33): London: W. Scott.

Fiske, S. T., & Taylor, S. E. (2017). Social cognition: From brains to culture. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Franco, Z. (2017). Heroism during crisis: Understanding leadership during extreme events. In S. T. Allison, G. R. Goethals, & R. M. Kramer (Eds.), Handbook of heroism and heroic leadership. New York: Routledge.

Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers. New York: Back Bay Books.

Hilburn, R. (2014). Johnny Cash: The life. New York: Back Bay Books.




Joseph Campbell’s Eight Elements of Heroism

This post is based on the following chapter in the Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies:

By Scott T. Allison

In his groundbreaking 1949 book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell built the foundation of contemporary heroism studies. Campbell boldly suggested that society’s understanding of heroism stems from a collective mythological consciousness shaped by ancient heroic narratives. He redefined heroism as a transformative journey, common across global storytelling, where individuals leave familiar settings, face trials, and return with wisdom to share.

Campbell emphasized that a hero is inseparable from their journey and its purpose, symbolizing a latent spiritual and redemptive force within everyone. He asserted that “the hero is symbolical of that divine creative and redemptive image which is hidden within us all, only waiting to be rendered into life.”

Campbell’s description above includes eight key elements that he believed were essential for understanding the essence of a hero. These elements are:

(1) the symbolic nature of the hero’s journey

(2) the divine or spiritual aspects of the journey

(3) the creative side of heroism

(4) the redemptive component of heroism

(5) the central role of imagery in guiding the hero

(6) the hidden features of the hero’s inner journey

(7) the waiting that is required for the journey to unfold naturally

(8) the life-giving qualities of the journey

Let’s look at each of these in turn.

1. Symbolic nature of the journey. Campbell viewed the hero as “symbolical,” meaning that the archetypal hero in mythological stories was a representation of something deeply important, such as the human capacity for courage, strength, and self-sacrifice. The hero is therefore a metaphor for ideals that are greater and beyond the individual person. Later, in his Bill Moyers’ interviews, Campbell (1988, 167) expanded on this idea and gave a succinct definition of a hero: “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” The hero is a personification of an ideal, a transcendent principle of human life.

2. Divine or spiritual aspects of the journey. Campbell viewed the hero’s journey as a quest for connection with the transcendent or divine. The hero encounters supernatural beings, mentors, or experiences that symbolize higher spiritual forces, guiding them toward self-realization and a deeper cosmic understanding. Through trials and challenges, the hero gains revelations that bring them closer to sacred truths. Many hero myths include a quest for immortality or transcendence, reflecting human desires for a higher, eternal state.

3. Creative side of heroism. Campbell saw heroism as a creative process that involves self-discovery, transformation, and the integration of various elements into a new whole. The hero’s journey includes trials that require innovative thinking and creative problem-solving, a concept reflected in Franco and Zimbardo’s “heroic imagination.” Overcoming significant challenges leads to profound personal transformation, confronting fears, and achieving growth and self-awareness. Moments of revelation and insight during the journey are driven by creative thinking and self-reflection, making heroism akin to the creative act of reinventing oneself.

4. Redemptive component of heroism. Campbell viewed redemption as a crucial aspect of heroism, seeing the journey as a metaphor for the human experience. He believed that individuals often feel a sense of incompletion or “fallenness,” and the hero’s journey represents the path to rediscovering wholeness and transcendence. Redemption can involve atoning for past wrongs, healing from trauma, or overcoming personal shortcomings. Campbell considered redemption a vital step towards self-actualization and self-realization, essential for completing the hero’s journey.

5. Central role of imagery in guiding the hero. Campbell believed that images and symbols play a crucial role in guiding the hero’s psychological and spiritual development during their journey. These images convey deeper meanings, archetypal patterns, and universal truths that resonate with the human psyche. The hero encounters symbols representing various stages of the journey, such as crossing thresholds, facing dragons, or obtaining magical objects. Mentors and guides often appear in imagery, offering wisdom and support. Visual symbols also depict the hero’s symbolic death and rebirth, enhancing the audience’s connection to the hero’s transformation and growth.

6. Hidden features of the hero’s inner journey. Campbell highlighted that the hero’s psychological journey is more significant than the physical one. He believed that the hero’s external challenges symbolize internal conflicts and struggles. For instance, battling a dragon might symbolize confronting personal fears or destructive tendencies, while crossing a body of water could represent overcoming fears or subconscious desires. The hero’s physical journey serves as a metaphor for their inner psychological and emotional transformation.

7. Waiting and patience needed for the journey to unfold naturally. Campbell suggested that timing within the hero’s journey is important. The journey involves a particular ordering of stages that cannot be rushed or ignored. Waiting is part of the hero-forming process. Each stage represents a particular psychological process that the hero must undergo for inner transformation to occur. If heroes rush through these stages, they may not fully integrate the insights and learnings that each stage provides. Campbell cautioned that ignoring or skipping certain stages can be dangerous because it can leave the hero incomplete or unfulfilled.

8. Life-giving qualities of the journey. Campbell explained that the hero is “rendered into life” after completing their journey. This journey symbolizes an inner psychological transformation, moving from one state to a more enriched and mature one. The hero must experience a form of spiritual death and rebirth, reflecting a universal theme where death leads to new life. By leaving their ordinary life and confronting challenges, the hero undergoes profound growth, ultimately experiencing the richness and “rapture associated with being alive,” which Campbell often referred to as bliss.

Overall, Joseph Campbell revolutionized our understanding of heroism by showing how the hero’s journey — also the human journey — is the pathway to self-discovery and personal transformation. Campbell believed the journey represents the quest for a deeper understanding of one’s place in the universe, highlighting themes of death and rebirth as essential for achieving enlightenment and wholeness. Campbell’s insights into the psychological and spiritual aspects of this journey continue to inspire 21st century heroism scholars.

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Everyday Heroes: “Their Name Liveth for Evermore.”

By Clark Baxter

American national civic life is in disarray. The legislative branch of the United States government has voted several times to expel its leader, and any bill that finds its way to the President’s desk is widely regarded as the work of a profile in courage by the current speaker. American national dysfunction of this kind and to this degree has never happened before—even during the run-up to America’s Civil War 163 years ago.

But while the United States has gradually lost the ability to govern its national affairs in an orderly way over the past 25 years or more, local governments and communities—in every region, representing every political orientation of the country—have carried on, and many have prospered.

What and who has made this possible? The answer is local leaders—best referred to as “everyday heroes.”

The journalist James Fallows and his wife Deborah have spent years visiting these functioning communities and reporting the civic engagement that has transformed regions, cities, and even neighborhoods that spark the kind of positive civic activity that eludes our national leadership. The Fallows have collected the stories of several of these community transformations in a book called Our Towns.

As James explains it, “we wanted to look at parts of the country generally missed by the media spotlight. This would mean reporting in places often considered ‘flyover country’—small to medium size cities and rural areas that capture media attention only after a national disaster. We looked for places that faced adversity of some sort and that looked for ways to respond.”

In other words, to borrow from Joseph Campbell, Fallows went to places that needed a local “hero” to reimagine what the community might become, to lead the transition, and to inspire other to follow.

What follows is a brief overview of three communities that Fallows visited, a word about an undertaking that helped transformed them, and the local heroes whose imagination, charisma, and determination made this transformation possible. In the words of the poet Christopher Smart these transformations were, thanks to everyday heroes, “Determined, Dared, and Done.”

You will notice that none of these stories involves the military or sports—settings in which we’re most used to hear stories of heroes and heroic activity. Instead, the three stories I will briefly summarize involve how the vision of local “heroes” helped bring to life a revitalization of their community through efforts in commerce, education, and the arts.

First Stop: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh has already gone through a significant transformation from the manufacture of steel into a center for education, health care, and technology. But the population is half of what it was two generations ago and as in many cities, certain neighborhoods were left behind in the prosperity that followed this transformation.

In 2003 Henry Reese and his wife, the artist Diane Samuels, established something called “the City of Asylum,” intended as a sanctuary for exiled writers. They bought a former crack house, fixed it up, and invited Huang Xiang, an exiled Chinese writer and dissident who spent years in a Chinese labor camp, to accept a two year residence as the first “writer in exile.”

Over time Reese and Samuels bought an adjacent row of townhouses—which Huang Xiang and others have covered with art and calligraphy—and writers from 9 other countries have followed, each for a two-year residency.

This act of compassion for exiled writers has led to a “jazz poetry” month and a participatory art installation called “a river of words.” In turn, these things have brought this neighborhood of crack houses and other signs of urban despair back to life. New restaurants, a public garden, and a dynamic street life have transformed The City of Asylum, formerly an urban ghetto, into one of Pittsburg’s most visited attractions.

Next Stop: Greenville, South Carolina

As many of you know, South Carolina is, to say the least, politically conservative and its growth has depended on the appeal of an anti-union culture that has attracted several large companies—including most of New England textile industry—to relocate to SC and especially to Greenville.

But, as Fallows heard from many local leaders, when outsiders were and still are approached about moving to Greenville to start a new business they most often respond (and here I’m quoting a local business leader) “Greenville? You’ve got to be kidding?”

Greenville needed a re-boot.

One of the objections behind “Greenville? You’ve got to be kidding!” was what outsiders imagined was absence of first-rate schools for their children. So two local educators got to work.

In 1980 Virginia Uldrick, a local musician, teacher, and according to Fallows ”a force of nature,” founded a summer program that, over time, became The Governor’s School for the Arts, a public (underline public) boarding school (underline public boarding school) for art, music, writing and other expressive arts. In time, the city of Greenville donated an 8 acre landscaped campus and $27 million in seed money. The school opened full time to high school juniors and seniors in 1999

The Governor’s School attracts students from all over South Carolina. About a third qualify for free lunch and pay modest fees as they are able. Many come from Columbia or Greenville; others from small towns that the kids who grew up there themselves describe as “the third bend in the river.”

By the metrics, “The Gov,” as students call it, has proven itself: National Merit finalists, Presidential Scholars in the Arts recipients, and, as of the publication of Fallows’s book, 100% acceptance to such premier colleges and professional schools as Juilliard and The Rhode Island School of Design.

In addition, the success “The Gov” led to the formation of another innovative place—the AJ Whittenberg Elementary School…of Engineering. Let me repeat that—an elementary school for engineering—a product of the imagination and drive of Phinnize J. Fisher, a local teacher.

When Whittenberg was preparing to open, in 2010, few people had heard of it and applications were spotty. A year later, local high school kids were hired to canvas Greenville neighborhoods. And as word got out applications spiked. Once parents learned about “The Gov” interest became so strong that the local Lowe’s home store offered discounts on camping gear for parents who camped out on the campus waiting for a chance to place their kids on the wait list.

Whittenberg’s applied science orientation is a perfect fit for Greenville’s business climate: parents working at local GM, BMW, MIchelin, Duke Energy, Lockheed Martin and other engineering companies were eager to enroll their kids in a school where 1st graders explored the physics of hoisting in the air the Wicked Witch of the West at the school’s production of The Wizard of Oz; 2nd graders do their school work on their personal iPad, and older kids join a nationally ranked robotics team that was headed to Germany to compete internationally.

SIdebar—the Google page of the Whittenberg Schoool does not list a “founder.”And when I called the school to see if they could name a founder or two the woman I spoke with suggested that Margaret Thompson, the school’s first principal, was “heavily involved.”

Google does not include an entry for Margaret Thompson, making her a true and unsung local hero

When kids graduate from Whittenberg, many move on to the Phinnize J. Fischer Middle School, which recently opened with a STEAM curriculum—STEM with an additional “A” for “Arts.” As Fallows reports, “part of the push to STEAM came from the local business community, which wanted to nurture a workforce steeped in technology and practiced in the softer skill of communicating, teamwork, organizing, and public speaking.”

Fallows does not mention specifically how and how much the local business environment has benefited from these innovative schools. But the growth of Greenville by 21% just since 2010 suggests that families are moving here in droves; and it isn’t a stretch to suggest that innovative schools like these have addressed the “Greenville? You’ve got to be kidding” problem head on.

Next Stop: Columbus, Mississippi

A generation ago the socio-cultural climate of Columbus was generally similar to that of Greenville—only worse. Mississippi ranks at or near the bottom of any economic ranking of the 50 states. At the time of Fallows’s visit, the median household income of the families in the US was a little over $50,000. It was about $37,000 in Mississippi and closer to $30,000 in the Greenville area.

The region needed jobs.

Introducing Joe Max Higgins, the co-founder of the Golden Triangle Development Link, a non-profit that has attracted capital to improve the airport and other infrastructure. These improvements have in turn attracted such companies as Eurocopter, the Golden Triangle’s first major success.

In the words of Mr. Higgins, a born and bred southerner, “Eurocopter was a really big deal. In a county and state where most people think that women are all barefoot and pregnant—and we’re all members of the Klan—we’re now making shit that flies!!”

Other companies followed, but—as with Greenville, only after Columbus turned to initiative #2: improving and even creating local schools—like The Mississippi School for Math and Science .

Time prevents my detailing everything that makes this high school special, but picture a classroom with an 8 foot grandfather clock in the corner—that a student made himself out of brightly colored plastic pieces. A lab in which students programmed a robot to conduct search and rescue missions. Or a humanities class in which high school students—most of them preparing for a career in science or engineering—read a short story set in India and discussed whether a person’s immigrant status accelerated their self discovery.

As Fallows notes: “Abso-stinking-ikely” was one hearty response that pretty much revealed the energy and engagement of the class.

And a sidebar: The persons who founded the schools were by any definition local heroes. But observe another hero—the teacher in Mississippi—in a school ostensibly focusing on math and science—who got his kids excited about a story set in India. That’s a hero too.

Fallows goes on to report that “many alumni of MSMS have already reached their dreams of of becoming doctors, engineers, veterinarians, and academics. One of the grads he met was headed to Harvey Mudd College, a top engineering school in California. But after that he plans to return to Mississippi to start his pwn engineering company. The rising generation of well-educated Mississippians intending to start a local business—mission accomplished.

James and Deborah Fallows dropped in on and wrote about 29 cities. Other journalists, including Judy Woodruff on the PBS NewsHour, have done the same. It remains only to ask about the obstacles these local heroes encountered. Every hero faced difficulties raising money and marshaling the attention of Covid leaders. But the main obstacle they stared down and overcame was not outright resistance… but indifference.

Obstacles, whether a lack of money or an impossible physical barrier can be overcome with tactics, energy, and skill—as witness Columbus’s voyage across the un-crossable Atlantic and NASA’s sending a man to the unreachable moon.

But indifference is harder to overcome. If, as Joseph Campbell, had suggested the usual hero adventure begins with someone “who feels there’s something lacking in the normal experiences of his society,” it seems axiomatic that the the more generations of people who say “I like things as they are,” the harder will be the journey to replace the inadequate present world with the better one the hero alone sees.

The Bible teaches that “the poor you shall always have with you. To which some heroes in America’s Bible Belt and elsewhere, respond “Let’s see if we can fix that.

Local heroes have lived among us for millennia—as witness the 44th chapter of the apocryphal book of Ecclestiasticus, which opens as follows:

Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us. The Lord hath wrought great glory by them through his great power from the beginning. Such as did bear rule in their kingdoms, men renowned for their power, giving counsel by their understanding, and declaring prophecies: Leaders of the people by their counsels, and by their knowledge of learning meet for the people, wise and eloquent are their instructions:
Such as found out musical tunes, and recited verses in writing:
Rich men furnished with ability, living peaceably in their habitations:
All these were honoured in their generations, and were the glory of their times.

There be of them, that have left a name behind them, that their praises might be reported. And some there be, which have no memorial; who are perished, as though they had never been; and are become as though they had never been born; and their children after them. But these were merciful men, whose righteousness hath not been forgotten. With their seed shall continually remain a good inheritance, and their children are within the covenant. Their seed standeth fast, and their children for their sakes. Their seed shall remain for ever, and their glory shall not be blotted out. Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore.

Everyday heroes do not “rule in their kingdoms.” And many “perished as though they had never been born.” But their name “liveth for ever more” in the communities they enriched by their vision of a better future for their communities, by their courage in facing head-on the many obstacles that stood between their vision and the future they saw, and the strength and courage to overcome them.

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Heroism Phenomena Identified by Scott Allison’s Research Lab 2005-Present

Below is a partial listing of heroism-related phenomena discovered by Dr. Scott T. Allison’s research lab from 2005 to the present day.

1. The Death Positivity Bias – 2005

DEFINITION: The tendency of people to evaluate the dead more favorably than the living. This is one way we “heroize” people.

Allison, S. T., & Eylon, D. (2005). The demise of leadership: Death positivity biases in posthumous impressions of leaders. In D. Messick & R. Kramer (Eds.), The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research (pp 295-317). New York: Erlbaum.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Death positivity bias and heroism. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

2. The Frozen in Time Effect – 2005

DEFINITION: People’s tendency to resist changing their impressions of dead heroes compared to living heroes.

Eylon, D., & Allison, S. T. (2005). The frozen in time effect in evaluations of the dead. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 1708-1717.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Frozen in time effect and heroism. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

3. The Underdog Abandonment Effect – 2008

DEFINITION: The tendency of people to no longer root for underdog heroes when both their success has low self-relevance and low consequences.

Kim, J., Allison, S. T., Eylon, D., Goethals, G., Markus, M., McGuire, H., & Hindle, S. (2008). Rooting for (and then Abandoning) the Underdog. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 2550-2573.

4. The Great Eight Traits of Heroes – 2011

DEFINITION: The discovery that people believe that heroes possess the traits of wise, strong, charismatic, caring, resilient, reliable, selfless, and inspiring.

Allison, S. T., & Goethals, G. R. (2011). Heroes: What they do and why we need them. New York: Oxford University Press.

5. Social Influence Based Taxonomy of Heroism – 2012

DEFINITION: The scientific identification of heroes as Transforming, Transfigured, Traditional, Transparent, Transposed, Tragic, Transitional, Transitory, Trending, and Transcendent.

Allison, S. T., & Goethals, G. R. (2013). Heroic leadership: An influence taxonomy of 100 exceptional individuals. New York: Routledge.

6. The Heroic Leadership Dynamic – 2014

DEFINITION: A system of psychological forces that can explain how humans are drawn to heroes, how they benefit from these heroes and their stories, and how heroic tales help people become heroes themselves.

Allison, S. T., & Goethals, G. R. (2014). “Now he belongs to the ages”: The heroic leadership dynamic and deep narratives of greatness. In Goethals, G. R., et al. (Eds.), Conceptions of leadership: Enduring ideas and emerging insights. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

7. Epistemic and Energizing Functions of Heroism – 2014

DEFINITION: The conceptualization of the functions of heroism that includes epistemological needs involving the imparting of wisdom and emerging needs involving healing, growing, and inspiration.

Allison, S. T., & Goethals, G. R. (2014). “Now he belongs to the ages”: The heroic leadership dynamic and deep narratives of greatness. In Goethals, G. R., et al. (Eds.), Conceptions of leadership: Enduring ideas and emerging insights. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

8. Need-Based Heroism (AKA The Johnny Carson Effect) – 2014

DEFINITION: The tendency of people’s current need states to determine their choice of heroes, with these need-states changing as a function of people’s developmental stages and their changing life circumstances. (named after Johnny Carson’s quip that after all his divorces, his hero changed from Babe Ruth to King Henry VIII)

Allison, S. T., & Goethals, G. R. (2016). Hero worship: The elevation of the human spirit. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 46, 187-210.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Need-based heroism. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

9. Six Benefits of Suffering – 2016

DEFINITION: The identification of benefits of heroic suffering as offering (1) redemption, (2) developmental progress, (3) humility, (4) compassion, (5) social union, and (6) meaning and purpose.

Allison, S. T., & Setterberg, G. C. (2016). Suffering and sacrifice: Individual and collective benefits, and implications for leadership. In S. T. Allison, C. T. Kocher, & G. R. Goethals (Eds), Frontiers in spiritual leadership: Discovering the better angels of our nature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Suffering of the hero. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

10. Six Types of Heroic Transformation – 2017

DEFINITION: Six commons patterns of transformation in heroes that involve changes in their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, moral, and motivational state.

Allison, S. T., Goethals, G. R., & Kramer, R. M. (2017). Setting the scene: The rise and coalescence of heroism science. In S. T. Allison, G. R. Goethals, & R. M. Kramer (Eds.), Handbook of heroism and heroic leadership. New York: Routledge.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Heroic transformation. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

11. Three Heroic Transformative Arcs – 2017

DEFINITION: The tendency of heroes to transform from a state of egocentricity to sociocentricity; from dependence to autonomy; and from stagnation to growth.

Allison, S. T., & Goethals, G. R. (2017). The hero’s transformation. In S. T. Allison, G. R. Goethals, & R. M. Kramer (Eds.), Handbook of heroism and heroic leadership. New York: Routledge.

12. The Personal Heroic Imperative – 2018

DEFINITION: Each human being’s built-in mandate to fulfill their heroic imperative by imagining and creating their own heroic growth.

Efthimiou, O., Allison, S. T., & Franco, Z. E. (2018). Heroism and wellbeing in the 21st century: Recognizing our personal heroic imperative. In O. Efthimiou, S. T. Allison, & Z. E. Franco (Eds.), Heroism and wellbeing in the 21st Century: Applied and emerging perspectives. New York: Routledge.

13. Transcendent and Trapped Immortality – 2018

DEFINITION: The tendency of people to perceive dead heroes and villains differently. Specifically, we believe deceased good-doers achieve transcendent immortality, with their souls persisting beyond space and time; and evil-doers to have trapped immortality, with their souls persisting on Earth, bound to a physical location.

Gray, K., Anderson, S., Doyle, C. M., Hester, N., Schmitt, P., Vonasch, A., Allison, S. T., and Jackson, J. C. (2018). To be immortal, do good or evil. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44, 868-880.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Transcendent immortality and heroism. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

14. Heroic Lag – 2019

DEFINITION: The delay between the point in time when a hero first expresses their heroic message and when mainstream society adopts that message.

Goethals, G. R., & Allison, S. T. (2019). The romance of heroism and heroic leadership: Ambiguity, attribution, and apotheosis. West Yorkshire: Emerald.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Heroic lag. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

15. Heroic Consciousness – 2019, 2024

DEFINITION: Heroic consciousness is a state of heightened awareness, reasoning, emotional experience, self-identity, intention, and will, all aimed at saving lives, pursuing a noble cause, and promoting the greater good.

Allison, S. T. (2019). Heroic consciousness. Heroism Science, 4, 1-43.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Heroic consciousness. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

16. Seven Barriers to Heroic Transformation – 2019

DEFINITION: Seven ways people avoid heroic transformation: self-ignorance, impoverished environments, personal trauma, victim identification, absence of mentors, mental/physical illness, and lack of psychological flexibility.

Allison, S. T., Goethals, G. R., Marrinan, A. R., Parker, O. M., Spyrou, S. P., Stein, M. (2019). The metamorphosis of the hero: Principles, processes, and purpose. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 606.

17. Heroic Leadership Imperative – 2020

DEFINITION: The mandate of transforming heroic leaders to meet the individual, collective, and transcendent needs of their followers.

Allison, S. T. & Goethals, G. R. (2020). The heroic leadership imperative: How leaders inspire and mobilize change. West Yorkshire: Emerald.

18. Heroic Wholeness Imperative – 2020

DEFINITION: The mandate of leaders to promote psychological wholeness and well-being by meeting the higher-level transcendent needs of followers.

Allison, S. T. & Goethals, G. R. (2020). The heroic leadership imperative: How leaders inspire and mobilize change. West Yorkshire: Emerald.

19. The Hero Androgyny Phenomenon  — 2020

DEFINITION: The tendency of heroes to possess both masculine and feminine traits, i.e., agency plus communality.

Hoyt, C. L., Allison, S. T., Barnowski, A., & Sultan, A. (2020). Lay theories of heroism and leadership: The role of gender, communion, and agency. Social Psychology, 51, 381-395.

20. Puer Aeternus as an Obstacle to Heroism

DEFINITION: The Puer Aeternus complex describes an adult, often a man, who remains in an extended state of adolescence, exhibiting traits commonly associated with youth. The phenomenon represents a significant barrier to personal growth and heroism due to its characteristic evasion of the hero’s journey that transforms people into their best, most heroic selves.

Allison, S. T., Goethals, G. R., & Spyrou, S. P. (2020). Donald Trump as the archetypal puer aeternus: The psychology of mature and immature leadership. In K. Bezio & G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Leadership, populism, and resistance. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

21. Heroic Autonomy  — 2021

DEFINITION: The imperative of the hero to perform the last and most crucial heroic act alone and independent from their friends and mentors.

Allison, S. T. (2021). Beth Harmon’s hero’s journey: The psychology of heroism in The Queen’s Gambit. Richmond: Palsgrove.

22. Heroic Balance  — 2021

DEFINITION: The ability of the hero to achieve a healthy life balance needed to achieve their heroic mission. Heroes needs to balance intuition with reason; emotion with logic; self-confidence with humility; autonomy with dependency; personal life with professional life; and more.

Allison, S. T. (2021). Beth Harmon’s hero’s journey: The psychology of heroism in The Queen’s Gambit. Richmond: Palsgrove.

23. Dynamic Negotiated Exchange Theory of Heroism –2022

DEFINITION: The dynamic negotiated exchange model of heroism refers to the processes by which the implicit exchange agreement between heroes and hero beneficiaries undergoes change. The change is often negotiated in response to a major crisis, such as the COVID pandemic of 2020-22.

Allison, S. T., & Beggan, J. K. (2022). The dynamic negotiated exchange model of heroism and heroic leadership: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Interdisciplinary Journal of Leadership Studies, 1, 15-31.

24. Motional Intelligence — 2023

DEFINITION: A form of kinesthetic intelligence that enables leaders to move the emotions of their followers. It is the ability of heroic (and villainous) leaders to use their body movements and voices effectively in a way that inspires and mobilizes followers.

Allison, S. T. (2023). Motional intelligence and leadership. In G. R. Goethals, S. T. Allison, & G. J. Sorenson (Eds.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.

25. Hero Illiteracy — 2023

DEFINITION: The lack of knowledge about heroism, or a misunderstanding about what comprises heroism. The condition can afflict an individual or an entire society. It can include an inability to distinguish heroes from villains and an erroneous belief that money, fame, and celebrity status are the determinants of heroism.
Allison, S. T., & Beggan, J. K.  (2024). Hero Illiteracy. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

26. Heroism Attribution Error – 2023

DEFINITION: The tendency of people to confuse fame for heroism, such that they attribute heroism to celebrities who are famous for non-heroic reasons.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Heroism attribution error. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

27. Intuitive Heroism — 2024

DEFINITION: Intuitive heroism refers to how individuals naturally and intuitively make sense of heroism. People have their own ideas about what heroes do, what heroes are like, and what motivates heroism. These intuitive notions of heroism are accurate in some ways but also contain factual errors and misunderstandings about heroism.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Intuitive heroism. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

28. Perfect Confluence and Heroism — 2024

DEFINITION: The “perfect storm” is a term often used metaphorically to describe situations where a convergence of multiple factors leads to a particularly significant or catastrophic outcome. The perfect confluence refers to any convergence of circumstances that results in a particularly positive or heroic outcome.

Allison, S. T. (2024). Perfect storm, perfect confluence, and heroism. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

29. Heroism-by-Proxy — 2024

DEFINITION: Heroism-by-proxy describes a psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual develops a strong psychological association with a hero or a heroic figure, leading to a sense of personal heroism. Heroism-by-proxy can be constructive when it inspires heroism but can be destructive when it engenders either complacency or a psychological identification with violent, divisive leaders.

Allison, S. T., Beggan, J. K., & Goethals, G. R. (2024). Heroism-by-Proxy. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

30. Amalgamated Heroes — 2024

DEFINITION: An amalgamated hero is a legendary, cultural hero who is derived from a complex blending of similar historical figures and our own cognitive embellishments of those figures.

Allison, S. T. & Hutchins, R. (2024). Amalgamated heroes. In S. T. Allison, J. K. Beggan, and G. R. Goethals (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies. New York: Springer.

Buffy Sainte-Marie: The Heroic Cree Musician

By Jesse Locke

Beverly “Buffy” Sainte-Marie is a Cree musician, visual artist, educator, and social activist. Beginning as a folk singer in the early 1960s with the politically-charged lyrics of songs such as her anti-war anthem “Universal Soldier,” Sainte-Marie released the groundbreaking electronic album Illuminations in 1969, and has continued to push creative boundaries throughout a career spanning seven decades. Her numerous accolades include winning the Polaris Music Prize for her 2015 album Power In The Blood, and becoming the first Indigenous person to win an Academy Award for her song “Up Where We Belong” from the 1982 film An Officer And A Gentleman.

Sainte-Marie was born on the Piapot First Nation reserve in the Qu’Apellle Valley of Saskatchewan, Canada. Her exact birth date is not recorded, but it is believed to be February 20th, 1941. At the age of two or three, Sainte-Marie was taken from her biological parents as part of the Canadian government policy of the ‘Sixties Scoop’ and adopted by Albert and Winifred Sainte-Marie, an American couple living in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Winifred identified as Mi’kmaq (Zoladz 2012) and encouraged her adopted daughter to reconnect with her own Indigenous ancestry. In 1964, Sainte-Marie returned to the Piapot reserve and was officially adopted by the man and woman believed to be her biological parents, Emile Piapot and Clara Starblanket. At that time, she was given the Cree name Medicine Bird Singing (Warner 2018a).

As a self-taught musician beginning at age three, Sainte-Marie’s early influences included international musicians such as French singer Édith Piaf and Spanish flamenco dancer Carmen Amaya (Warner 2018b), helping to establish the sound of her powerfully emotional vibrato singing style. Sainte-Marie studied Oriental Philosophy and Religion with a minor in Teaching at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, but interrupted her initial plans to work as an educator in India to pursue music full-time. Traveling to New York’s Greenwich Village folk music scene in the early 1960s, Sainte-Marie earned critical acclaim for her live performances and signed to Vanguard Records, launching her professional career as a musical artist.

Sainte-Marie has overcome countless challenges throughout her career, including being taken from her biological parents, suffering abuse from family members and romantic partners, and being blacklisted by radio stations under the direction of the U.S. government due to the political nature of her lyrics (Seymour 2018a). In a 1999 interview at Diné College, Sainte-Marie explained, “I found out ten years later, in the 1980s, that Lyndon Johnson had been writing letters on White House stationery praising radio stations for suppressing my music” (Norrell 1999). Despite these obstacles, by maintaining a message of hope in all aspects of her music, education, and activism, Sainte-Marie has persevered with a career that has earned her widespread acclaim. She has lived in Hawaii since the late 1960s.

Sainte-Marie has released 17 albums, beginning with her 1964 debut, It’s My Way! The album includes many of her best known songs such as “Universal Soldier,” “Cod’ine,” and “Now That The Buffalo’s Gone.” Her songs became known for their factual accuracy, with lyrics such as “he’s 5-foot-2 and he’s 6-foot-4” from “Universal Soldier” based on the height parameters for soldiers in the Vietnam War. (Seymour 2018b) Alongside setting herself apart from other folk artists of the 1960s with lyrical themes such as drug addiction, incest, and decolonization, the cover photo of It’s My Way! features Sainte-Marie performing with the mouthbow. Believed to be the oldest stringed instrument in the world (Sainte-Marie 1996), it features prominently on her first three albums.

Sainte-Marie continued to write and record prolifically throughout the 1960s, with her second album Many A Mile (1965) highlighted by the song “Until It’s Time For You To Go”, which has been frequently covered by other artists. On 1966’s Little Wheel Spin And Spin, Sainte-Marie released one of her most ambitious political protest songs, the nearly seven-minute “My Country ‘Tis Of Thy People You’re Dying,” which discusses Canadian residential schools and the genocidal violence perpetrated against Indigenous people. Fire & Fleet & Candlelight (1967) included her first experiments with electronic music, while 1968’s I’m Gonna Be A Country Girl Again, recorded in Nashville with country musician Chet Atkins, marked yet another stylistic departure.

On 1969’s Illuminations, the 28-year-old artist became even more experimental. Working with electronic musician Michael Czajkowski, the album’s songs were augmented with the Buchla Model 100 synthesizer, manipulating Sainte-Marie’s voice and guitar with a variety of effects that sound strikingly different from her folk singer origins. Illuminations begins by setting Leonard Cohen’s poem “God Is Alive, Magic Is Afoot” to music, before descending into a cycle of songs about the natural, spiritual, and metaphysical worlds. Though it failed to achieve commercial success at the time of its release, the album has become a critical favorite. The British experimental music magazine The Wire included Illuminations in their list 100 Albums That Set The World On Fire While No One Was Listening (Kopf 1998) and the album was celebrated with a 50th anniversary reissue in 2019.

By the end of the 1960s, Sainte-Marie’s music was well known thanks to cover versions of her songs, even if she was yet to become a household name herself. These include Donovan’s interpretation of “Universal Soldier”, and covers of “Co’dine” by Gram Parsons and Janis Joplin (adding her own modified lyrics), followed many years later by the alternative rock band Hole on their 2010 album, Nobody’s Daughter. “Until It’s Time for You to Go” is one of Sainte-Marie’s most covered songs, with 157 unique interpretations (Farber 2022a) from artists such as Elvis Presley, Barbara Streisand, Françoise Hardy, Cher, Neil Diamond, and The Monkees.

The 1970s were another busy decade for Sainte-Marie, beginning with her first collaboration with songwriter and producer Jack Nitsche on 1971’s She Used to Wanna Be a Ballerina. Its followup, 1972’s Moonshot, launched her working relationship with Nashville-based musician Norbert Putnam, who co-produced her next four albums. (Warner 2018c) Sainte-Marie concluded her contract with Vanguard Records with 1973’s Quiet Places, and signed to her new label MCA with 1974’s Buffy, featuring the glam-rock sound of “Sweet Little Vera” and the poetic, political lyrics of “Generation.” Sainte-Marie ended the decade with 1975’s Changing Woman and 1976’s Sweet America. The latter is highlighted by “Starwalker”, the first song in history to feature a sample of Indigenous powwow music. Sweet America also marked a 16-year hiatus from studio album releases while Sainte-Marie raised her son, Dakota “Cody” Starblanket Wolfchild.

Sainte-Marie has written songs for film soundtracks since her theme for 1970’s Soldier Blue, depicting the massacre of a Cheyenne village by Colorado State Militia. (Irwin 2009) Other soundtrack contributions include her songs “Dyed, Dead, Red” and “Hashishin” (the latter co-written with Ry Cooder) for 1970’s Performance, as well as scores for the 1984 short film Harold of Orange and the 1986 docudrama Stripper. Sainte-Marie is best known in this field for co-writing the song “Up Where We Belong” from the 1982 film An Officer And A Gentleman with her former husband Jack Nitzsche, becoming the first Indigenous person to win an Academy Award in 1983. Sainte-Marie has spoken openly about the abuse she suffered from Nitzsche during their seven-year relationship, including being injected with heroin in her sleep (Farber 2022b), before ending their marriage in 1989.

Sainte-Marie returned to music with her 1992 comeback album, Coincidences and Likely Stories, which made history as the first album made over the internet. Collaborating with UK-based co-producer Chris Birkett remotely from her home in Hawaii, Sainte-Marie sent electronic files with early Macintosh computers and the program CompuServe. (Frank 2022) Coincidences and Likely Stories also included a re-recorded version of “Starwalker”, using new electronic recording technology to improve the clarity of its powwow sample, and one of Sainte-Marie’s most acclaimed songs, “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee”, which she spent 14 years to complete (Warner 2018d).

Sainte-Marie continued her collaboration with Birkett on 2008’s Running for the Drum, sampling traditional Indigenous music on the songs “No No Keshagesh”, “Cho Cho Fire”, and “Working for the Government.” The latter was reworked into a 2015 remix by electronic music group The Halluci Nation, featuring vocals from Sainte-Marie. Her 2015 album Power In The Blood looked even further backwards with a re-recorded version of the title track from Sainte-Marie’s 1964 debut, It’s My Way! Her most recent release is 2017’s Medicine Songs, a career-spanning compilation of Sainte-Marie’s activist songs, featuring a new collaboration with Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq on “You’ve Got To Run (Spirit of the Wind).”

Sainte-Marie established the Nihewan Foundation for Native American Education in 1969 to award Indigenous youth with scholarships to attend post-secondary schools. Two of her early scholarship recipients have become the presidents of tribal colleges. (Warner 2018e) She expanded this initiative in 1996 with the launch of the Cradleboard Teaching Project, an education curriculum providing an Indigenous-focused alternative to the typical Eurocentric lessons taught to children in North American classrooms. Tools included interactive CD-ROMs such as Science: Through Native American Eyes and innovative forms of online communication such as chat rooms and video conferencing. On the Cradleboard website, Sainte-Marie details the project’s accomplishments:

“In October of 1996, we received a two year grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan, and since that time have modeled the Cradleboard Teaching Project in Mohawk, Cree, Ojibwe, Menominee, Coeur d´Alene, Navajo, Quinnault, Hawaiian, and Apache communities in eleven states” (Sainte-Marie 2002).

In 1968, when she was cast on an episode of the television program The Virginian, Sainte-Marie took progressive action in the entertainment industry by successfully demanding that all other Indigenous roles in the show be cast with Indigenous people. (Humphrey 1968) Sainte-Marie appeared as a recurring character on Sesame Street from 1975 to 1981, where she continued to educate viewers on Cree culture and Indigenous representation. In 1977, she famously became the first person to breastfeed on television in a segment with her son Dakota “Cody” Starblanket Wolfchild (Sen 2018).

In more recent years, Sainte-Marie’s animated video series Paddling On Both Sides, a collaboration with visual artist Blake Angeconeb, was created for the Downie Wenjack Fund’s initiative Reconciliation Begins With You. Following in the footsteps of the Cradleboard Teaching Project, Paddling On Both Sides provides a positive alternative to the tragic narratives dominating media representation of Indigenous people by educating viewers on their many accomplishments and innovations. (Lawrence 2021) Sainte-Marie is also the author of several children’s books including 2020’s Hey Little Rockabye: A Lullaby for Pet Adoption, and 2022’s Tapwe and the Magic Hat.

Awards and Accolades

Sainte-Marie has earned countless awards and accolades throughout her career, beginning with Billboard Magazine naming her the Best New Artist of 1964. Three years later, Billboard writer Aaron Sternfield described Sainte-Marie as “the patron saint of non-hippy hipsters” after she received a 10-minute standing ovation during her performance at the Philharmonic (Warner 2016). Other honors include Sainte-Marie’s 1993 Charles De Gaulle Award for Best International Artist, the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Aboriginal People’s Choice Music Awards, and the 2010 Governor General’s Performing Arts Award. She was inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame in 1999, the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame in 2009, and the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2019.

Sainte-Marie has received Honorary Doctorates from 15 post-secondary institutions, most recently recognized by the University of Toronto with a Doctor of Laws in 2019. She has also received numerous humanitarian honors, including her 1997 induction as an Officer into the Order of Canada, the 1998 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Indian College Fund, and the 2019 PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprises Inaugural Women’s Voice Award. Sainte-Marie’s three most recent albums have received some of the highest honors from Canada’s creative arts awards, beginning with Running for the Drum winning the 2009 JUNO Award for Best Aboriginal Album. Her 2015 album Power in the Blood was awarded with the Polaris Music Prize, as well as JUNO Awards for Indigenous Music Album of the Year and Contemporary Root Album of the Year. Most recently, 2017’s Medicine Songs was also awarded with a JUNO Award for Indigenous Music Album of the Year. (Warner 2018e)

In 2021, Sainte-Marie was honored with a commemorative stamp from Canada Post, and became the subject of the feature-length documentary Buffy Sainte-Marie: Carry It On, which premiered at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival. (Longmire 2022) Now in her early 80s, she continues to advocate for the rights of Indigenous people, while recording, touring, and performing to fans around the world.


Farber, J. (2022) Buffy Sainte-Marie: ‘I didn’t know I was ahead of the pack at the time’ Retrived 15 Dec 2022.

Frank, A. (2022) How Buffy Sainte-Marie innovated electronic music in the 1960s Retrieved 15 Dec 2022.

Irwin, C. (2009) Buffy Sainte-Marie on a rollercoaster career that even the FBI kept an eye on Retrieved 15 Dec 2022.

Kopf, B. (1998) 100 Albums That Set The World On Fire While No One Was Listening Retrieved 9 Dec 2022.

Lawrence, M. (2021) Artist from Lac Seul First Nation making waves with new video collaboration Retrieved 15 Dec 2022.

Longmire, B. (2022) ‘Buffy Sainte-Marie: Carry It On’ To Premiere At TIFF 2022 Retrieved 16 Dec 2022.

Norrell, B. (1999) Uncensored: Buffy Sainte-Marie honored with lifetime achievement award Retrieved 16 Dec 2022.

Sainte-Marie, B. (1996) The Mouthbow: Making Music on a Weapon Retrieved 9 Dec 2022.

Sainte-Marie, B. (2002) Cradleboard History Retrieved 15 Dec 2022.

Sen, M. (2018) The short-lived normalization of breastfeeding on television Retrieved 16 Dec 2022.

Seymour, C. (2018) Iconic Protest Singer Buffy Sainte-Marie Has Been Blacklisted by Nixon, Sampled by Kanye, And Breastfed Her Baby on Sesame Street—for Starters Retrieved 15 Dec 2022.

Warner, A. (2016) Buffy Sainte-Marie: 75 things you need to know about the Canadian icon Retrieved 15 Dec 2022.

Warner, A. (2018) Buffy Sainte-Marie: The Authorized Biography. Canada: Greystone.

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Retrieved 8 Dec 2022.