UR Single-Stall Bathroom Map

My plan for the paper map project this semester is to improve UR’s Gender Inclusive Bathroom Guide, available from the Common Ground website. In addition to some of the data being wrong (for example, there’s no floor B in Boatwright Library, although there is B1 and B2), the information is not laid out in a useful way. I’ve tried to find many of these bathrooms, and in some cases have been unsuccessful because of the lack of contextual information (but WHERE on the second floor is it?). Another problem with this map is that the audience is too narrow; there are many reasons a person would want a single-stall, lockable bathroom that have nothing to do with gender identity. This map would be more useful (especially for people with disabilities and parents with strollers) if it included information about which building entrances were accessible, and how to get from that entrance to the bathroom.

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