From Garlic Mustard to to Lettuce Aphids to Egyptian Geese – Stay Up to Date!

EDDMaps collects crowdsourced sightings of plants, insects, diseases, and animals to track distribution and presence across the US. It enables users to report a sighting accompanied by a photo, creates interactive maps of all sightings of a particular species, provides information on each species’ taxonomy and native territory, and provides downloadable datasets including all sightings of a particular species. Users can easily access maps that show all states or counties with reported sightings or look more generally at the entire country, and grouped point symbology makes it easy to identify areas of the country where the species is most common. Additionally, this website offers user support in accessing and using the available data as well as training in reporting species sightings. The images below feature the information available if I am interested in coyotes (Canis latrans).

The crowdsourced nature of this website is incredibly important to the thoroughness of its data collection. Rather than being limited to a specific team of people, data is being collected on a much wider scale by including the sightings of anyone with access to technology. Such maps of species distribution are valuable in tracking the movement of invasive species and the growth or decline of specific populations. By making this data downloadable and available to others, the site promises to expand access to the data and allow for further study.

This interactive distribution map reporting all recorded coyote sightings in the US

A specific record on the map

Counties with reports (left); States classifying species as “invasive” (right)



3 thoughts on “From Garlic Mustard to to Lettuce Aphids to Egyptian Geese – Stay Up to Date!

  1. I think this website is so cool because it has so many different components that it keeps track of. It can track biodiversity and native vs. invasive species and migration patterns of animals. I think the component about disease is also super interesting, and especially relevant to today. This website does a great job at blending many different topics that we have learned and discussed this semester.

  2. This site is super interesting, it tracks so many different types of data. Just on the one website, you can learn so much about biodiversity and different things about species. I also find the fact that the data is submitted by the public super cool and a great way that they are able to gather so much more information over so much more of the country.

  3. Amazing work. I love this site. This is a very versatile site and seems like it covers a large range of stuff that’s going on. I never really understood the whole invasive vs. native thing, so this website does a great job on clearing it up. Very cool.

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