Chesapeake Bay Foundation

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is an organization to save one of our most prized natural treasures on the east coast — The Chesapeake Bay.  The organization advocates for the cleanup and protection of the Bay.  As stated in their mission “The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF) mission is to save the bay and keep it saved.”

Formed in 1957, The CBF has been recognizing the poor treatment of the bay and has been pushing for better treatment and care of the waters and the animal life in it.  They fight for bold and creative solutions to pollution across six states, the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and speak to business, the government, as well as the public.  The CBF uses legal means when necessary to enforce already set laws and promotes education of environmental protection to those that wonder and have interest.

Growing up on the Bay I know how important it is to save the bay.  It is a beautiful area with an abundance of wildlife that feed off the rivers and environment both in the the Bay and the Watershed itself.  Conservation of the Bay is essential is keeping a thriving environment.  What have you done to help stop pollution of the Bay?

Save the Bay!

8 thoughts on “Chesapeake Bay Foundation

  1. Having never been to the Bay, I was able to learn a great deal about it after browsing through the website. The photos of the Bay provided are gorgeous. It is indeed a beautiful area!

  2. I also have grown up loving the Chesapeake Bay by spending every summer visiting my grandparents in Easton, Maryland. We spent a lot of time there at Tripp Creek, a small inlet of the Bay. In order to protect it, the Chesapeake Bay Program has aimed to restore the Bay’s resources, including the finfish, shellfish, grasses, and other aquatic life and wildlife. The program has focused on fisheries and habitat restoration, recovery of Bay grasses, nutrient and toxic reductions, and advances in estuarine science.

    Things you can do:

    Plant trees for the Bay

    Dispose of marine wastes properly

    Don’t dump anything down storm drains

    Practice careful catch

    Clean up litter on the shores of the Bay

    Use Bayscaping around your home

    Buy a Chesapeake Bay license plate!

    Grow an oyster garden

    Practice environmentally sensitive shoreline erosion control


  3. This website is really useful in providing current events and showing ways that everyone can help conserve an ecosystem. I think its really cool that this organization recognizes the importance of local actors playing a large role in saving the bay. In Rhode Island we also have a similar program to save the Narragansett Bay (, which has many of the same features. As a kid living around the bay its instilled in you in schools and the community how important it is to conserve the bay areas, so I can definitely relate to this website! We never really realize the affects that we have on areas like the bay so its great that platforms are being used to educate us of our impact and what we can do to help fix it!

  4. This website was really informative, provided great current events, and explained ways that anyone can help save the bay. I think the all inclusive approach to cleaning the bay is an excellent way to solve the problem and get the entire community involved. This website was very interesting and informative, and had great pictures!

  5. This website is well organized and has a lot of information regarding the various environmental issues that plague the Bay. As a fellow Bay native, the ecological significance of the Chesapeake has been iterated to me regularly from first grade onward. It becomes increasingly important to realize the significance of this area and how it is in danger. Almost every community within the Chesapeake Bay watershed owes a great part of its economy and, in fact, its entire existence to the Bay, and so maintaining it is a duty of anybody who calls the region home. Great website.

  6. I used to live near the Chesapeake Bay area and I think the website was great. I think its important for peopele to understand and realize the importance of the Chesapeake Bay and how to maintain the Bay.

  7. I used to live near the Chesapeake Bay and I think the article was great. I think it is very important for people to understand and realize the importance of the Chesapeake Bay and how to maintain it.

  8. Chris, what a great website, thank you for writing about the Chesapeake Bay Foundation! I was fortunate enough to attend an on-campus talk that a speaker had given in conjunction with the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, but I never looked into all that the CBF does. I went to school near Oyster Bay on Long Island, and was immediately reminded of the “Friends of the Bay” society that aims to restore the oyster population in Oyster Bay. After perusing their website it is clear that the “Friends of the Bay” could take a lesson or two from the CBF. I particularly love the preciseness of the CBF’s mission statement, and their holistic approach of encorporating community involvement, lobbying, policy work, activism, education and professional development into their larger goal of protecting the Bay and sustaining that protected state. It is no wonder that the CBF has been so successful in protecting the Bay from commercial interests. Thanks again for highlighting such a wonderful organization!

    Here’s a link to the “Friends of the Bay” website:

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