Wildebeest Migration Tracker

This website gives frequent updates about the Wildebeest migration in the Serengeti happening currently. You can watch videos, read comments, or look at a map of the migration route of these Wildebeests on this website. There are updates almost daily from people that are watching this migration in person and observing where the animals are going and how they are fairing in their migration journey.

Image result for wildebeest great migration map"

Figure 1: Map of the Wildebeest Great Migration (https://www.discoverafrica.com/migration/map/)

Through looking at this website you can learn about the travel of species and why those species would want or need to migrate around, including climate or predatory reasons. There is also a live feed of the migration and maps of the path of migration for every month, as well as general information about Wildebeest migration patterns.


6 thoughts on “Wildebeest Migration Tracker

  1. A great example of how spatial analysis can help us study wildlife. I’ve always underestimated the brains of the wildebeest, but their herd tactics have made me change my mind. I also find the tourist implications of this website to be interesting. A safari is definitely on my bucket list, now. Apparently, the Mara river crossing is amazing to see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XBxE_A0hVY

  2. I found the website to be so informative about wildebeest migration. It was interesting how the migration is updated from month to month. It is cool how there is a site dedicated to observing and documenting wildebeest migration. I hope I can find other sites like this that are dedicated to observing and documenting animal migration.

  3. This is very interesting, I was caught a little by surprise, I had never seen a website like this. I do think its important though considering the migration patters of species such as wildebeest can’t really be changed and humans only increasingly interfere with migration patterns because of urbanization. I could see it to be beneficial for more of these migration maps to be established for other species.

  4. I really like this! I never imagined that wildebeest migration was important enough to have a whole website dedicated to it, but this proved me wrong. I’m now interested to learn more about the importance of wildebeests and their migration habits. The human world must be respectful towards the spatial needs of these creatures.

  5. This website is really interesting! I knew absolutely nothing about the wildebeest migration but now I know where the migration can be spotted. The recommendations for where to stay to spot the migration explains one of the main reasons that this website exists, but it also details why the wildebeests are moving south during this time of the year. Since the wildebeests are looking for better grasses and water sources, it makes the most sense that they would go to the areas that are the least effected by the weather.

  6. I think this website seems really cool, especially in regard to how interactive and up to date it is when considering the fact that it features videos and is updated frequently. I also like the interactive aspect of people being to add their own details and observations. I think that makes the whole website more community driven and interesting. This is such an informative site!

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