Written and produced by Brier Clough
Interviews and photos by Frances Gichner, Elizabeth Halasz, Caroline Robelen, and Abby Seaberg
Modeled after the New York Times’ “Sunday in the Park” supplement, this piece is about the big picture and the small stories that give us a glimpse into moments of people’s lives. Our reporting team waited for Jason Faulkner, operator of the drone, to snap a shot of Brown’s Island from above, encompassing every river-goer. Once that was taken, the five of us fanned out to interview everyone there. One minor limitation we faced with this project is that people move, both in and out of the park. So although we worked diligently to talk to everyone who was in the shot, there were still a few that got away. We hope you enjoy catching a glimpse of these river-goers as much as we did.