Feb 4, 2013 | @UR, Printing
After setting up the printer using Solidoodle’s settings for Repetier , I proceeded to level the build platform, test its flatness, and proceed to the first test print. The platform was found to be about 0.04″ (~1mm) out of level. Once leveled, one...
Feb 2, 2013 | @UR, Printing
I gotta hand it to Solidoodle. They have really upped their game for getting down to the 8-10 week order lead time. I ordered the Solidoodle on November 23, and it arrived on February 1. In fact, it showed up within 12 hours of when I received the shipping notice....
Feb 1, 2013 | @UR, Printing
I was not aware that the Solidoodle, 3rd generation model, that we ordered mid-November was one of their first orders. The company added that the new printers would begin shipping January 30, and ours arrived 2 days later. Here is the photo of the box. I will...
Nov 7, 2012 | @UR, Printing
Well, it’s been almost 2 months since the Solidoodle printer (version 2) arrived. No matter how well it now performs, one must suspect that such a long wait would make the reader think the Solidoodle is not a good printer. Nothing could be further from the...
Oct 11, 2012 | @UR, Design, Printing, SketchUp
As part of a larger project with Prof. Fiona Ross for a 3D design course in the Art and Art History Department, beginning in 2011 and proceeding every semester, students learn and use Google SketchUp to develop an artwork composed of three pieces of small cubes taken...
Sep 27, 2012 | @UR, Printing
Well, the Solidoodle has not met our expectations by any stretch of the imagination. There were several issues with it, and we still have not been able to print, and the printer is now in a state that it will require significant repair or replacement parts. Here is...