Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today’s playlist is curated by Music Library student manager Esther (class of 2025) and features classical pieces used in various film soundtracks.
Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today’s playlist is curated by Music Library Associate Melanie A. and features some classical music which can be found in classic cartoons!
Cartoon Classical
It seems that sometimes folks can feel a bit intimidated by “classical” music. What if I told you that you are probably familiar with a lot more classical pieces than you think because they often show up in the soundtracks of classic cartoons?
During the 1930s and 1940s, many practices from silent film scoring (often performed on piano or organ in movie theaters), which often made use of classical pieces, made their way into cartoon shorts. Use of this music was economical for the movie studios because much of it was public domain and therefore free of copyright restrictions. Moreover, the use of “serious” classical music in silly cartoons often (literally & figuratively) the humor of the cartoons.
Here are a few a few “greatest hits” pieces which found their way into a variety of cartoons. Enjoy! – MAA
Section 2 “The Storm” and Section 3 “Call to the Cows” regularly show up as well
For example, Disney’s The Band Concert (again!) for a cartoon take on “The Storm” and both “The Storm” and “Call to the Cows” feature in Disney’s “The Old Mill” (1937)
P.S. If you’d like to learn a bit more about classical music as used in cartoons, check out this great thread with lots of video examples compiled by animator Vincent Alexander: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1366449816042102787.html
Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today’s playlist is curated by Music Library student assistant Alexandra (class of 2026) featuring some classical music.
Editor’s note:Arachnophonia (“Arachno” = spider / “-phonia” = sound) is a regular feature on our blog where members of the UR community can share their thoughts about resources from the Parsons Music Library‘s collection.
The Op.23 Ballade is undoubtedly one of Frederic Chopin’s most representative works, and it was created between 1831 and 1835, during Chopin’s first few years in Paris. Completed in 1835 and published a year later it was followed by three more in this new genre: Op.38 Ballade in F Major, Op.47 Ballade in A-Flat Major, and Op.52 Ballade in F minor, published in succession till 1842. Discussion of the genre “ballade” is inevitable. It has been said that Chopin created a new genre in applying the titles of these pieces, at least for his own purposes.
According to Edward Hirsch, the English “ballad” represents a narrative song, a poem that tells and preserves a story orally. There are several vital features Hirsh mentions regarding the ballad that are relevant to the interpretation of Op.23 Ballade’s structure: an abrupt introduction, an emotionally intense refrain and overall a voice of an individual representing the community. In composing the Op.23 Ballade, Chopin was influenced by personal turbulence in midst of a turbulent social environment; thus, he expressed inner struggle and nostalgia, which, at the same time, also represented other Polish emigres’ grief and indignation and his own homesickness for the old country.
As Robert Schumann wrote in 1836: “It seems to me to be the work closest to his genius (though not the most brilliant). I even told him that it is my favorite of all of all his works. After a long, reflective pause he told me emphatically: ‘I am glad, because I too like it the best, it is my dearest work’”. The g minor ballade is unique being the representative of the public voice during the 1830s and the epitome of that specific era; meanwhile, it can still appeal to the audience’s sympathy and inspire imagination when performing in the 21st century.
Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today’s playlist is curated by Music Library student manager Xipeng (class of 2024) and features music used in the soundtracks of Tom & Jerry cartoons.
Music from Tom and Jerry
The Tom & Jerry cartoons provided me with so much inspiration for my piano practice when I was a kid, and this playlist of a small collection of the original soundtracks, reminds me of my childhood memories.
Editor’s note:Arachnophonia (“Arachno” = spider / “-phonia” = sound) is a regular feature on our blog where members of the UR community can share their thoughts about resources from the Parsons Music Library‘s collection.
I started working on Chopin’s G Minor Ballade last December, and it was the piece with the heaviest emotions I have ever studied before. By chance, I read several sections of this book, a collection of Chopin’s letters, and the texts have such a strong power that I was immersed in the intensity and great sorrow reading through the lines.
Here is what Chopin recorded in his Stuttgart diary in this book when the Battle of Warsaw took place in September 1831: “Sometimes I can only groan, and suffer, and pour out my despair at the piano! … Is a corpse any worse than I? … A corpse is as colorless as I, as cold, as I am cold to everything now” (Chopin, 149).
When studying a new piece, I found it extremely helpful to better interpret the narrative and emotions behind the composition by reading different versions of the score and the composer’s diary or other written documents. The book Chopin’s Letters will give you a brand-new insight into this patriotic composer if you love his music! The call number is ML410.C54 A4 1988.
Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today’s playlist features a selection of music for a Music Library study session curated by Music Library student assistant Amy (class of 2025).
Welcome back to Parsons Playlists! Today we are featuring a collection of 19th and 20th century piano music curated by Music Library student manager Ryan (class of 2022).