Monthly Archives: October 2017

Mapping Divisions and Debates in Modern American Values

As I grow older, my awareness of my own values and how they compare to other people’s has become much more acute. In my mind, it is crucial that citizens are aware of their own values, but also of the … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week– City Atlas: Discover the Personality of the World’s Best-Loved Cities

This week’s atlas is City Atlas: Discover the Personality of the World’s Best-Loved Cities in This Illustrated Book of Maps by Martin Haake. This atlas brings to life thirty best-loved and famous cities from around the world by bring out the … Continue reading

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Blog of the Week—Galaxy Map

This week’s blog website is Galaxy Map, which contains of course maps of the galaxy! This site contains two types of maps: a Milky Way Explorer from Google maps interface that shows what our galaxy would look like through infrared, … Continue reading

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Map of the Week- International Number Ones

What? You don’t understand what Africa specializes in? You don’t know which country has the largest amount of annual export? You have no clue about what life in the Middle East is like? What?! As the world becomes increasingly interconnected … Continue reading

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Team Presentation for “Post-War New World Map”

  This map depicts what one map maker visualized the world looking like after the conclusion of World War Two.  Maurice Gomberg hailed from Philadelphia, PA, “The City of Brotherly Love.”  Him being an American puts a political spin on … Continue reading

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The Other Side of Trade

The Netflix series Narcos, which I have recently finished, is based on the cocaine dealers of Colombia, specifically Pablo Escobar and the Cali cartel, and shows both how they were caught, but also how they were able to make huge … Continue reading

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Blog of the Week – All Over the Map

This week’s blog website is from Betsy Watson and Greg Miller of National Geographic. It contains a wide variety of maps, including different maps of the solar eclipse and a one-hundred year old map of Rome that still stands up … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week – Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations

This digital atlas on Harvard’s website contains details about ancient civilizations, especially the Roman Empire. It contains lots of details of the Roman Empire at its prime, including ports, military forts, and various transportation landmarks. While it may seem overwhelming … Continue reading

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Post War-New World

The Post War-New World Map created by Maurice Gomberg in October 1941, but not published until 1942, provided the world with a new and intriguing prediction of the world would look once the dust from world war two settled. While … Continue reading

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World Atlas of the Week

I chose this atlas because at first glance it looks like a “normal” projection of the world, but if you look deeper, many critiques can be made.  

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