Atlas of the Week: Global Carbon Atlas

The atlas of the week is a very interactive and informative atlas about global carbon uses.  It allows the user to get an interactive look at the carbon fluxes resulting from human activities and natural processes. The Global Carbon Atlas has three main focuses; outreach, emissions, and research. When you click on the outreach button, you are able to look out an animated “carbon story” either from the past, present, or future. It takes you on an adventure that also feeds you information along the way. When you click on the emission button, a map of carbon emissions around the world is shown. You are then allowed to choose what type of emission you want to specify in and what region as well. The research page not only gives you information found through large research, but it also allows you to create you own map based on the research and data given. The Global Carbon Atlas is a easy and fun way to learn about our environment’s past, present, and future.

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