JSP Week 5

This week meeting with the kids was another successful one! We started by asking them if they have any new ideas they wanted to share about the play and of course many of them were really engaged and participated. We also had a few new kids this week which was really exciting because we got to run through the whole project with them!

We also ran through the script a second time to go over some edits and give more kids the chance to experience reading some lines. We also decided that our Beatrice (Bea in the play) would be voiced by multiple kids so that more of them would have the opportunity to be involved. I was really impressed with how animated these kids were and how good at acting they were! Also, in each scene, we asked the kids how they wanted the scene to be portrayed. Many of them offered various artistic skills they could contribute to portray each scene. It was a really successful meeting and I am excited for our next one on Monday!