In our meeting this week we started taking pictures of the action figures in front of the different backgrounds that the kids drew during our last meeting and throughout the week. The kids did a really great job with the drawings, so we feel like we are in really good shape. It took a little time to get organized this week because we had to try and verbalize what we wanted them to do and the teacher that was with the kids really struggled to keep the kids focused and control the room. At certain times things were very hectic and it was hard for us to know if they were even listening to us or if they could hear us. However, by the end we got a few of the pictures and scenes done. Going forward we just need to finish the rest of the scenes and then see how involved in the script and voice over the process the kids want to be, but it may just be easier for our group to handle that part of the project. Overall we are in a good position and I am happy with the progress we have made so far.

Today’s meeting got off to a rocky start with some technical problems. However, once we got moving it went alright. We were excited to see that they had completed their drawings for the backgrounds. Once they showed us their drawings (which looked great) we had difficulty maintaining their attention. There were only three students in the class today when there are typically 5. To regain their attention we asked them to show us the action figures, and tell us what role each of them will be playing. They did so and then we began to discuss the photos we need them to take for us.

We were able to get two photos out of this meeting and I am hoping that next week we will get a few more. our plan is to send a detailed list of photographs we need of each character in which backgrounds. Once we get all of the photos we can then work on the audio and scripts! This project is coming to life and I am excited to see what the end result will be!

This week started off a little delayed due to some technical difficulties with the sound, but we ended up meeting for about 10 minutes over the assigned time to make up for it. We reviewed each of their scenes one final time and had them draw the background for the final scene at prom. They decided to draw an outdoor prom scene on a couple pieces of paper showing people dancing and seating with colorful lights. Overall, due to the late start the meeting was a little chaotic but we were able to come up with a solid plan for the next few weeks. We decided to make a rough outline of a script for the kids to use next time and give them the opportunity to review it to make any changes they want to give the scene their own touch. Hopefully we’ll be able to start recording the first scene with the backgrounds and action figures by the next meeting!