JSP #4

We are now on Week #4 … Crazy! The kids are definitely still very excited about the project, but are still having issues concentrating. The kids seem to not have a teacher present or if they do, I have no clue where they are because the kids are in my opinion out of control. We barely got through the warm up and assigned what kids would draw which scenes. However, it was like pulling teeth just to have a session. The kids are really great but I just don’t understand why we don’t have another supervisor working with us on the other side.


Example of script:


  • Claudio gets really jealous, because he likes Hero and wanted to be the king, and makes a big scene at the dance. He tells everyone the rumor from John, that Hero is only pretending to be interested in him for popularity, and then everyone boos Hero out of the dance before she has a chance to explain! 
    • “I heard that Joy still gotta Samsung”
    • “That is not true! And yes, maybe I do…” 
  • Bea and Ben offer to walk Hero home from the dance, they believe Hero and know that John spread rumors
    • “Oh, I’m so sad…” “Don’t worry, she ugly anyway”
    • “Catch her outside, how about that”
  • Pedro and John from the football team leave the dance in solidarity with Claudio
  • As they all walk home, Bea and Ben try to comfort Hero who is really sad and embarrassed. It’s during this walk that Hero decides she is going to delete all of her social media and take a break from school. 
    • People have been sooooo rude
    • Why are people coming at me… 
    • Yes girl…
    • I’m gonna block these people and this account… should I block them? Should I do it? 
    • Yes, do you girl! 
  • Once Hero is gone, Bea is really mad and tells Ben (they like each other) that she wants Ben to confront the football guys about what Claudio did 
    • “Girl you look so depressed, what’s wrong? You gone tell me what’s wrong?”
    • “People were telling rumours about me saying I got turned down, but I didn’t get turned down. I turned HIM down. I’m tired of people… can you talk to them?”
    • “Imma be the baddest one and I’m gonna walk out of here!”