Is Dry Farming the Next Wave in a Drought-Plagued World?

Dry farming is a tactic in which plants are only watered in the seedling stage and then left to the whims of nature. There is no irrigation and no rain. The plants instead must rely on their roots to bore deep into the ground and find remaining water from the past seasons. Dry farmed plants will often look dead and wilted, but their fruit can still be successful. Tomato plants were grown in California using this method. The vines of the plant were withered and brown, but the tomatoes still managed to come in full and red. This farming method relies on the plants ability to survive by finding its own supplies of water. The tomatoes grown for dry farming are closest to wild species of tomatoes. They are selected for their hardiness, but the fruit they bear is as flavorful as any other. Dry farming may serve as a key in meeting food demands during times of drought, like modern day California. This method is also important because it can help serve us in the future when climate change causes increased levels of drought.