The New York Times: Geography

If you are interested in staying up-to-date on all the news concerning geography, visit The New York Times Geography website. This website is a section of The New York Times providing information and news about geography. It is a great way to learn about recent advancements in geography and read about geographical commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. This section of the reliable news sources allows visitors to explore various areas of geography. The articles published on this website engages readers by relating geography to everyday life through interactive maps and connecting one’s community to geography. This website, which is a tool for geographers, is integral to understanding the context in which geography is applicable. To find out more about The New York Times Geography, visit

3 thoughts on “The New York Times: Geography

  1. This was a really interesting page to explore. I am glad to see a publication like the New York Times expressing such an interest in geography and geospatial topics, especially because maps and map data are so relevant to journalism nowadays. I have always noticed that the NYT has very clean and comprehensive maps and graphics, and I was really interested in the first article that came up, “How the Times Make Those Addictive Election Maps.” Very cool find!

  2. Maribel- I really enjoyed this tool you found on the New York Times website. I am currently in a journalism class and have spent the semester studying the NYT very closely, so it was very neat to explore the website from a geographers perspective. I think it is especially important that news media companies pay attention to geography, especially because there is so much going on with climate change and the environment. This is a great way for the NYT to inform their readers on important geographical issues. It was also great to try out all of the different tools/ maps they have posted. Thanks for posting!

  3. Wow, this is so useful! I have a NYT subscription, and I love their articles related to geography (as well as the maps they make– check it out!) so this is very practical for my day-to-day life! I find it interesting how few articles are categorized as ‘Geography’ related. The limited number of articles, especially in regards to politics, climate change, hurricanes, and globalization are indicative of the narrow perception of geography so many people have. Spatial context is relevant to everything in life, yet geography is often left out of important discussions where analyzing issues from a variety of scales could be particularly useful. Hopefully the NYT will expand their understanding of ‘Geography’ as the importance of spatial and temporal scales become increasingly important in combatting issues related to trade, war, climate change, and increasing migration patterns!

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