Interactive MapMaker

Maps are a very useful tool for understanding how geography has played a role in the evolution of the environment. Maps can be very helpful in studying the National Parks of the United States of America.

The Interactive MapMaker is an online platform offered by National Geographic which lets you design, customize and share your own map without having any mapping experience. It allows you to layer your own texts, paths and other media with a variety of pre-designed data layers.  The interactive map also allows you to see the coordinates of any place on Earth and also discover information about countries and territories. The map can be saved and shared with others through email or social media.

All in all, this is a very useful website for people who want to make fully customized maps for instruction or assessment.


3 thoughts on “Interactive MapMaker

  1. I thought that the map function was really interesting. Even if I didn’t want to create my own map being able to just look at and explore the world with the maps on the website was really enjoyable. The interactive map feature also seems really useful, especially for projects and presentations. Thanks for sharing

  2. I didn’t even realize it, but I ended up blowing a whole hour re-creating a map of everywhere I’ve been! This tool is very unique and I enjoy it a lot. I made a map that pinpointed everywhere I’ve lived and traveled to, making special care to include National Parks. I realize how clustered my travels have been, and this map motivates me to branch out and explore some more!

    I also really liked the layers. I didn’t keep any on my map, but they were still fascinating to check out. Good find!

  3. I really had no clue about maps actually being so interesting. Checking this link I realized that there is so much to do with a map and ways of actually using it. Definitely one of the brightest way of using a map as the interactiveness of this map can actually encourage make more people use it, as people often think of maps. This particular way of map reading and exploring opens a new frontier of using a map and interpretation of it. Really liked it and appreciate for sharing such a wonderful thing.

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