
Fake Tsunami in HonaluluA tsunami is a series of ocean waves generated by sudden displacements in the sea floor, landslides, or volcanic activity. In the deep ocean, the tsunami wave may only be a few inches high. The tsunami wave may come gently ashore or may increase in height to become a fast moving wall of turbulent water several meters high. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the primary responsibility of providing warnings but also carries out research and observations as well. On their website they educate on why tsunami’s occur, how to prevent them, what to do when one happens, information on past global tsunami’s, as well as photos and interactive demonstrations of the oceanic beasts. Check it out! 

2 thoughts on “Tsunami’s

  1. Tsunamis have always caught my attention whenever I saw or heard of them. I was actually watching a show earlier in the week that was about mega-tsunamis that could potentially be 500 feet tall. Apparently these phenomena only occur when a volcanic eruption or earthquake causes a large chunk of a volcano to fall into the ocean. The show also said that such a scenario could happen on Mauna Loa and the mega-tsunami would destroy parts of Hawaii.

  2. Very interesting topic. Website has some great facts about tsunamis. Was wondering where you got that picture and if the size of that tsunami is theoretically possible.

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