Monthly Archives for December 2018

Bioshock Infinite Ending

Upon finishing Bioshock Infinite, I was left with an overwhelming feeling of knowing less than I knew at the beginning of the game. Staring into the faces of eight very different Elizabeth/Anna’s, some of which I knew and some of which I did not, and being told I was simultaneously Booker DeWitt and Father Comstock […]

BioShock Infinite ending

The ending of this game was extremely confusing and tripe, but that kind of makes sense because of the tone of the game. The first thing I thought about after the game ending is that Booker is Comstock when he chose to accept his baptism but if he didn’t end up doing it he stayed […]

Ending of Bioshock

After multiple weeks of harsh concentration on the game of Bioshock, it has finally come to an end. Although, that’s not to say that I’m not still thinking about the game. The biggest surprise to me at the end of Bioshock was the Booker and Comstock were somehow the same person. You have to be a […]

Bioshock Ending

I am disappointed that this game has to end, but I felt like it had a good ending and a good storyline overall. Instead of talking about the last parts of the game, I will talk about my overall experience with the game. Firstly, the storyline was amazing. I enjoyed all the interactions booker had with […]

End of Bioshock Infinite

I’m not sure how to feel about the ending of Bioshock Infinite. From what I can understand, Booker Dewitt gave his daughter Anna (AD) to the Luteces and Comstock to wipe away debt when she was an infant. He realized that he regretted it and tried to stop Comstock, but Comstock escaped with baby Anna […]

End of BioShock Infinite

I really enjoyed the game in general. The twists and turn were out of this world. I’m still a little confused as I think some of you may be too. However, the pieces I have been able to put together have been insanely interesting. First the whole Booker storyline was just crazy. From what I […]

BioShock Infinite Finale (Ahsan)

All I have to say is, what a game. The gameplay leading up to the finale was definitely excruciating but in the end, I think it was all worth it. The plot gets increasingly more interesting as we near the big reveal, which, by itself was pretty mind blowing as well. That said, the battles […]

Bioshock Final (Joseph)

IT IS OVER! This story that we have been following has been concluded. And the conclusion S-U-C-K-E-D, SUCKED. I have soooo many problems with this section, but, let’s start at the beginning. We start this part with Elizabeth being captured, again. Nice to see songbird back again though. After she is taken away we walk through a wall […]

The Finale

Alright, so pretty much I want to blow my brains out for multiple reasons, some good, some bad. The running into the snow, going through the insane ward, seeing New York burning, killing Comstock, all trippy and difficult to achieve, but simple in comparison to later parts of the game. The boss fight with the […]