End of Bioshock Infinite

I’m not sure how to feel about the ending of Bioshock Infinite. From what I can understand, Booker Dewitt gave his daughter Anna (AD) to the Luteces and Comstock to wipe away debt when she was an infant. He realized that he regretted it and tried to stop Comstock, but Comstock escaped with baby Anna through a tear. When the tear closed, Anna’s finger got sliced off. Elizabeth used her abilities to bring Booker back into time, at the lighthouse where the game started, to explain all of this to him. Anna Dewitt is Elizabeth, so Elizabeth is really Booker’s daughter. Booker is also somehow Comstock? So when Booker killed Comstock in Columbia, he didn’t kill him in all worlds, and the only way he could truly kill him was to make sure Comstock was never born (or just murdered right when he was born). But somehow this also means that Booker couldn’t be born at all either, so an army of Elizabeth’s drowned him, and the game ends. I’m assuming this erases everything that happened in the game.

So my questions…. How can Booker also be Comstock? How can Anna also be Elizabeth? Exactly what debt did Booker have to pay off to the Luteces, and why did they need Anna? How did Elizabeth get her powers? How does Elizabeth get back to the beginning of the game without going through any tears? Why are there so many lighthouses? How does Elizabeth suddenly have the ability to see all worlds, and what exactly restricted this in Columbia? What were Comstock and the doctor trying to do to Elizabeth when they were torturing her? What exactly did old Elizabeth tell young Elizabeth to do? How did so much time pass between when Comstock took Elizabeth and when Booker finally found her? I have so many questions I can’t even remember them all.

5 Responses

  1. Hyewon Hong says:

    While the easy answer is to just say ‘lol infinite universes’, it becomes a little clearer once you consider the final scene where Booker is dunked into the water by multiple Elizabeth’s. The ending we see, especially of the lighthouses and multiple Bookers, can be assumed to be alternate versions of our reality. Because there are an infinite amount of universes, there exist several in which we, booker, are Comstock. We just happened to be unfortunate to be in the one the Luteece’s chose to fight against ourselves.

  2. Carson Clark says:

    How Booker is Comstock EXPLAINED:

    After the battle of wounded knee Booker was given the opportunity to be baptized and cleansed of the sins he committed during the battle. In one universe, he declines the offer, and thus remains Booker. HOWEVER, in another universe, Booker accepts the baptism and is reborn as Comstock. So by killing Booker at the baptism, Booker (nor Comstock) ever existed beyond the battle of wounded knee. Thus, ending the cycle of accepting and declining the baptism.

  3. Josephine Bossidy says:

    ^^ Carson’s comment above helps to explain how Booker is also still Comstock. From just playing the game I was unclear how the Baptism somehow created an alternate Booker. Still, I question why Booker would give his own daughter to an alternate version of himself. I surely have more questions regarding how the two universes even started.

  4. Rachel Helbling says:

    I agree there are still SO many questions. The ending of the game was not what I expected and thought more of my questions would be answered, but the ending honestly just created more questions. The whole lighthouse thing just didn’t make any sense to me. I was also very annoyed by the boss fight which seemed to take forever!

  5. Shanay Amin says:

    So in my opinion booker becomes Comstock in the worlds where he accepted the baptism but in the worlds where he didn’t go through with it he stayed booker, that means in around half of the worlds there is a booker and the other half theres a Comstock, that would also mean Elizabeth is only present in half of the worlds.