End of BioShock Infinite

I really enjoyed the game in general. The twists and turn were out of this world. I’m still a little confused as I think some of you may be too. However, the pieces I have been able to put together have been insanely interesting. First the whole Booker storyline was just crazy. From what I grasped when he was taking at the baptism, he said that he is “both” Booker Dewitt and Comstock. So in half the universes he is Booker and half of them he is Comstock. That is interesting and starts to go into the Elizabeth storyline. First though Booker fought in the battle of Wounded Knee and he was disgusted by what he did and he wanted to clean himself away from his sins. So he was planning on getting baptized. In half the world’s he does and that is where he becomes Comstock. He changes himself and starts a religion, supremacist society. While the other half of Bookers become apart of the Pinkertons as we already knew. He then has a child and that child is Anna Dewitt.

The Elizabeth Story line starts at the Ana Dewitt birth. Booker’s wife dies giving birth to Ana Dewitt. Booker in this universe had a serious gambling problem and is in a lot of debt. A Comstock from a universe has the male Lutece come and try to get Ana for Comstock. As soon as Dewitt gives away Ana he tries to chase down Lutece. Then he tries to grab Ana back from Comstock in the tear. He can’t pull her back and loses her. But we see the pinky that Elizabeth has a thimble on that piece of the finger gets left behind. So we realize at this part that Elizabeth is Booker’s daughter. This was a awesome part in the story line.

FInally the Luteces also have an interesting story line. The female and male originally helped Comstock get Elizabeth to meet another one of themselves. However, after they see how Comstock is treating Elizabeth they want Booker to help save Elizabeth. Comstock even tries to kill them, but they are smart enough to use the alternate universes to stay alive and keep trying to help save Elizabeth.

Overall I think it is a awesome game I wanted to get your guys opinions on the baptism scene where Elizabeth drowns Booker.


4 Responses

  1. Josephine Bossidy says:

    I agree with your opinion on the storyline of Booker. I’m truthfully not sure I even understand how Booker and Comstock were the same people all along. It was surely an outcome that I didn’t see coming. I too need clarification on the baptism scene because even after I watched a youtube on it, it still wasn’t crystal clear.

  2. Micaela Willoughby says:

    So, the very end, when all the Elizabeth’s drowned Booker… that was so cool to me. And the music when they all began to disappear one by one… agh! I especially love how we aren’t sure if the final Elizabeth disappeared or not since the screen went black with that last note. On another note, it’s an incredibly sad scene. Those Elizabeth’s are drowning their father. That’s messed up, and I don’t think he knew what he was consenting to. And on a final note: despite the scene being very cool, it still made no sense to me. Very excited to have my mind blown tomorrow.

  3. Shanay Amin says:

    Im still a little confused about the baptism scene where booker was drowned, it didn’t make that much sense to me because wouldn’t killing him only change his path in that universe, not all the others. It will be pretty cool to discuss this in class though.

  4. Jaclyn Kemly says:

    You’re explanation helped me understand how it is possible for booker/comstock to be the same and anna/elizabeth to be the same. I’m still confused on the exact story line with the luteces and how booker has no memory of any of this happening. The ending for me was just kind of shocking, i really was not expecting that and thought the whole comstock issue would be resolved in a different way. it also brings up another issue of morality, where a daughter drowns her father in order to benefit the greater good.