Chappaqua by the Numbers

This sign at the Chappaqua Train Station signals that you have finally arrived at one of the hamlets of the Town of New Castle.

Name of Community: New Castle (Contains Hamlets of Chappaqua and Millwood)

Established (date): 1791

Land area: 23.4 sq miles

Population: 18,035

Population over 65: 2,478

Population per sq. mile: 23.4

Racial Makeup: 86.8% White, 8.8% Asian, 3.3% Hispanic, 1.8% Black

Persons per household: 3.04

Per Capita Income: $99,067

Bachelor Degree or above: 83.5%

Life expectancy: 83.5 years (Westchester County)

Hospital Beds: 2.9 beds per 1,000 people,  0.67 unoccupied (Westchester County)

Number of Coronavirus cases: 127 in New Castle, 28,007 in Westchester County

Number of COVID-19 deaths: 962 deaths in Westchester County

Recommended local newspaper: The Examiner