Name of Community: New Castle (Contains Hamlets of Chappaqua and Millwood)
Established (date): 1791
Land area: 23.4 sq miles
Population: 18,035
Population over 65: 2,478
Population per sq. mile: 23.4
Racial Makeup: 86.8% White, 8.8% Asian, 3.3% Hispanic, 1.8% Black
Persons per household: 3.04
Per Capita Income: $99,067
Bachelor Degree or above: 83.5%
Life expectancy: 83.5 years (Westchester County)
Hospital Beds: 2.9 beds per 1,000 people, 0.67 unoccupied (Westchester County)
Number of Coronavirus cases: 127 in New Castle, 28,007 in Westchester County
Number of COVID-19 deaths: 962 deaths in Westchester County
Recommended local newspaper: The Examiner