Motivation Cycle: Journal | April 7

My lap-desk makes it so easy to stay in bed all day.

By Caterina Erdas
This situation is mentally exhausting when there is no real end in sight. The potential date when things will start going back to normal gets pushed back further and further as the situation changes; you can’t feel confident about those dates. What happens in Italy is a window into the near future for the US. Italian universities are considering going online for the fall semester. That doesn’t give me a lot of hope for the future.
Being home is draining. My motivation to do homework, workout, or go outside changes every day. Some days I wake up and I have a sense of purpose and determination. Other days I can barely get out of bed. The whole coronavirus situation is draining, and I am not even someone who is truly suffering. I can’t imagine having to worry about money, food or my health. Maybe those terrible things force them to get out of bed and save their families’ well-being. Or maybe they have the same motivation swings that I get.