Hershey by the Numbers

A landscape view of the iconic amusement park destination, Hershey Park.

Name of Community: Dauphin County, PA 
Established (date): 1785
Land area: 525.05 sq mi
Population: 278,299
Population over 65:17%
Population per sq. mile: 510.5
Racial Makeup: 65.1% white, 19.2% black, 9.6% Latino, 5.0% Asian 
Persons per household: 2.39
Per Capita Income: $32,485
Bachelor’s degree or above:30.5%
Life expectancy: 78.3
Hospital Beds: 4.27 per 1,000 people, 1.10 beds unoccupied 
Number of Coronavirus cases: 529
Number of COVID-19 deaths: 21 (4/28/20)