Full Color FDM Printing?

Many in the low to medium-cost 3D printing world are cautiously optimistic to the initial hype for a printer that is promoted by the makers to print full color objects.  The manufacturer, botObjects, will be releasing more information in June, but for now, there is...

3D Printed Art

The Winkleman Gallery in New York is currently exhibiting works that integrate 3D printed forms into more traditional art. To the 3D printing expert without artistic training, I can at least see a good opportunity to repurpose the plastic parts from unsuccessful 3D...

4D Printing?

This is honestly not a late April Fools joke.  TED Fellow Skylar Tibbits gave a TED talk to describe the research and development partnerships his MIT lab is making to develop 4D printing.  What is 4D printing?  Well, you should watch his TED talk below, but...

3D Printing Filament Tool

Update: See updated design and photo of the prototype that can automatically feed at the end of this post (I have not yet tested heating). As much excitement as there is around the 3Doodler kickstarter project, it turns out that there is some prior art vis-à-vis a...

3Doodler Kickstarter

To be filed into the “I wish I thought of that” category is a new extremely minimalist for of 3D printer – the 3Doodler.  Every time I describe fused deposition modeling (the long-winded way of talking about the most common form of low-cost 3D...