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Cyril vs Nestorius

The conflict between Cyril and Nestorius is centered around how the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ are manifested. Nestorius believes that …

To the Church in Alexandria

From Alexander to my good and faithful brothers in Christ, The Council of Nicaea has come to a close, and much progress …

Alexander’s Thoughts–Day 4

The canon on the state of those who denied their faith during persecution passed unanimously. I am pleased with the way that …

Day 3 Thoughts–Alexander

Day 3 of the Council was a stressful and frustrating day. We did not pass a Creed which accurately reflected the nature …

Alexander–Day 2 Thoughts

I am very pleased with the modification that was made regarding the nature of God as the “Father.” This distinction allows the …

Creed Day 1

I am well pleased with the portion of the creed that we all agreed on regarding the nature of our almighty and …


There are two forms of Docetism: one that Jesus is fully divine and his human form is an illusion, and the other …