Cyril vs Nestorius

The conflict between Cyril and Nestorius is centered around how the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ are manifested. Nestorius believes that there is one person Jesus Christ, but that there are two natures–divine and human. He argues that the unity of Jesus Christ is found between the unity of the wills–the human will and divine will in him are one and the same. Cyril disagrees with this belief. He argues that there is one person and one will. The unity of Jesus Christ is found in the unity of the two natures, human and divine, as one nature. He argues against Nestorius because he believes it divides Jesus by saying he has two natures. It’s important to know that much of the controversy is based on politics. Cyril is angry at Nestorius because the previous authority found in Alexandria was demoted and Metropolitan of Constantinople took its place.