Category Archives: Uncategorized

Map of the Week: What Makes Our World Go Round?

How do countries rely on each other? What comes from where? What makes the world go round? You may often wonder where exactly your diamond earrings came from or where exactly the coffee beans that made your morning coffee were … Continue reading

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Blog of the Week:

This blog, founded by Kevin James Brown in 1999, continues to actively produce maps and critiques of maps from all time periods and all continents of the world about several topics. One particular map which caught my eye was of … Continue reading

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Blog of the Week:

This blog, maintained by cartographer Andy Woodruff, provides a multitude of interesting, interactive, and just generally cool maps. His most recent post titled “Beyond the Sea, flowing and exploding edition” provides an interactive world map which uses colored lines to … Continue reading

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Blog of The Week:

I picked Something About Maps to be this blog of the week. This blog was created by Daniel Huffman who used to be teacher and a chemist and now is a freelance cartographer. This blog is where he publishes maps … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: The World Atlas of Coffee

What is something most grown Americans cannot go the day without? Coffee. The World Atlas of Coffee by James Hoffman explores the origins of coffee, the role of colonialism and how it affected its production, and it maps the growing … Continue reading

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Snap Map Is More Than Just A Map

Before this class, there were only two maps I interpreted regularly: an app called Maps and Snap Map. Maps assisted me in traveling from place to place while Snap Map had a more obscure purpose; Snap Map allowed me to … Continue reading

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Atlas of Disease: World Distribution of Spirochetal Diseases

The “Atlas of Disease: World Distribution of Spirochetal Diseases” was created by Dr. Jacques May, a French surgeon, and the American Geographic Society in 1955 during the Cold War era.  During our presentation on this map, we questioned why the … Continue reading

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North Korean Ballistic Missile Map

Since the 1980s North Korea has been developing and building a nuclear arsenal in order to secure a stronghold amongst the modern day world powers. Under the reign of the current president, Kim Jong Un, North Korea has become especially … Continue reading

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Empowering WW2 America with the American Airlines system map

It’s 1945. The Second World War is raging, but quickly nearing an end. Europe is in rubble and the world will never be the same again. Millions have tragically lost their lives and the future of the world seems grim. … Continue reading

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Blog of the Week- MapBrief

For the Blog of the Week I chose MapBrief. This is a really interesting blog that links geography, economics, and visualization. MapBrief takes a look at different theories of economics, such as the theory of supply and demand, and analyzes … Continue reading

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