Author Archives: Paige Harty

Blog of the Week Andy Woodruff’s cartography blog is full of interesting and creative maps that he created using different techniques. Cartography is a continuously evolving field due to the new technology that is being created for data collection as well as for … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: World Atlas of Coral Reefs When thinking of Maps and Atlases we often jump to think of land masses above sea level, but below the oceans surface there are massive networks of ocean floor topography, covered in coral and thriving with life.  But these … Continue reading

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Looking to the Stars

October 29, 1929 was one of the greatest shocks to hit the United States. Starting on a day known as “Black Thursday,” on October 24th, stocks fell over 23 percent. The Country was sent into a frenzy as 9,000 banks closed … Continue reading

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